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Let the elections continue! [A petition]

[A few of such notices are posted up about Upper Sanctuary]

Have we forgotten our past? The Daleland tradition of elections were used by the founders of Sanctuary in the mines and pits of Traensyr to ensure their survival and the survival of their community.

We have forgotten this, the council has forgotten this and they seem to be doing nothing now after the death of one man. Shall we be remembered as those who allowed our town to fall into darkness akin to the abyss that surrounds us, due to the death of one man? Shall Dunwarren once more lay tired, the souls of the dead crying out for what once was?

No. I will not let that happen, nor shall this city. The people, the lifeblood of this city, declare that Sanctuary shall not fall. We declare that we will never again be slaves. We declare that we trust the system that has warded of the darkness for one hungered and fifty years.

We declare that we call no man, no creature lord but the gods above us.

I bid you all now, citizens of Upper Sanctuary. Our voices must be heard, else we shall fall not due to the vile enemies which surrounds us, but to our own utter foolishness.

We declare that the elections must continue.

[Signed elegantly] Elmuthalleth Anver, Paladin of Lord Torm.

[written on one of the petition notices]

Dear sir, a mayor has be voted on, he is being prepared for such a task, the clerks of the herald are seeing to the various paperwork and such, as soon as he is....empowered, the elections will commence.

Yours Faithfully

Frum Highill

No one ever voted for Bhast to be mayor either. Indeed, let's just do things outside regulation when it's possible to do them within, but stay within regulation when it is impossible to get anything done within those regulations.

Dugo Nish