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*A letter to Agent Blake left at the spellguard tower*

Agent Blake. I saw a cloak like yours today. A woman called Djiara sold it. When I returned later with some coins to buy it back to you, then she already had sold it. She told me that she sold it to a human male with a robe like mine. (Not the spellguard associate clothes.)

I would allso like to do a report of what happened some darks ago down in lower. I was there with some others to help the temple of Hoar with a undead problem. After we had killed all the undead and stoped a summoning rituall that was going on in the crypt. ( A dead bodie was used by a Doom Knight to summon another Doom knight) There was some spoils that I collected and I droped them on the ground later. But the woman Djiara and a black human male that called himself a simple "Ju-ju" man did not belive that I had droped all the things that I picked up. They started threathen me with skinning me and to cut my hand off. After several minutes of argueing they tried to put shackles on me. Then finaly after I had been trying to get away from the woman Djiara that tried to put the shackles on me two times the leader over the group finaly told them that I had droped all the things I picked up.

Just want you to know what types they are and maybe do something about it.

Ecae Mit'rial
