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So farewell then, Ferius Worn

Alas, the days of Worn have come to a close. He left far more infamously than he arrived, with 20,000 Gold on his head for a crime that'd best go unmentioned! :roll: In his time he's survived many things that he perhaps should not have. He's been into the jaws of Traensyr, destroyed an Underdark Behamoth Spider and been into a mini hell-plane and lived to tell the tale, amoung other things. I'd love to show you some of his odd experiances here.

Worn in his new Uniform.

Ferius with his lesser known brother.

A surpisingly well oiled body...

Being harrased by DM_Sherry.

The smoking ruins of the Stew Shop

Good times with Azzari and Orison.

Worn and Chums, looking towards their goal.

I'd like to say thank you to all the players that've made this server a wonderfull place for me to play on, and I look forward to seeing you all with my next PC.

Special thanks goes out to Howland and the DM Team *Edit* And Wiggyboy, for giving us all this place to play, and for helping make Worn who he was when he left Sanctuary.



It's all <3 for Worn.

Farewell sweet Worn!

DD, glad to see you guys had the sweetest possible ending on EFU. Its always satisfying to complete a character this way!

Rock on!

Welcome back into the lower club. Worn really was the spirit of lower - at least the way I remember him.

<Ladocicea> Is Worn dead yet?

Big Daddy!


You sure did things right with Worn. Nice job!

<3 for Worn

Your quickslots are mostly empty. That's a pretty blatant and obvious sign that these screenshots were taken on a fake module, as any EfU PC would have them filled with potions or other useful accoutrements!

Post some real screenshots, please!

Look at *Edit* (It was the other Troll.) saying goodbye in his own special way. <3

Also, edited to include Wiggyboy in the thank you to stop his bitching over IRC.


Darkest Knight Your quickslots are mostly empty. That's a pretty blatant and obvious sign that these screenshots were taken on a fake module, as any EfU PC would have them filled with potions or other useful accoutrements!

Post some real screenshots, please!

:!: :!: :!: :!: :!: :!: :!: :!: :!: :!:



One hell of a trip. 8)

Worn was a blast to play with. Whether I was trying to squeeze information out of him with Lucius or manipulate him into serving the Shadow Death with Mulciber, he was a blast to play with.

Keep up the good work!