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The Amazing Three words game!

A forum is no forum, without the extremely popular, and anti bored, 3 words game!! yay!! ........ yes :? heh, let me explain it.

I begin with the words "In the Underdark" and someone else needs to post 3 other words, so you make a story. The rules are simple, just post any words you think of, with the maximum of 3. and you cant post twice in a row, someone else needs to post first and then you can post again. everything is allowed, as long as its not against the forum rules.

On the last forum i was active on, it was about a little pineapple, that was in the streets of new york, (with a sniper rifle) and it had 129 legs, and well.. it shot everyone it saw, lets begin!!

In The Underdark

I came upon

Kiaring, which was

a short squat

freak of nature.

Weilding a massive

three headed Paladin

with really long

Arms and legs

Which looked green

but tasted purple

And disgusted me

like only blue

Mushrooms that can

make you forget

that time in

Traensyr with those

buxom lesbian elves

I decided to

Bring Aekula along

with some lube

that made everything

Dark and blue

like a rotten

fish that was

caught by Grunstuhble

With an Ouch

dived into the

vault of gold

And was eaten.

Sadly, they only

had one chance

To come home


If they walked

Through a Group

Of evil Sharrans

with nothing but

sticks for legs

And arms of

Purple tasty goo

Herald Jafar would

Eat more pie

If he became

a monster too

which, unbeknownst to

everyone in Sanctuary

was an arboreal

Pot named Toby

Who Stole Stew

From Uncle Worn's..

dirty undewear where

he housed his

Mind numbingly collosal

crack pipe filled

with a Goblin's

sweet urine. Ultimately,

his mind boggled,

at big, wet

hands groping for

the smallest of

...helmets, left in

a boiling hot

Jug of smelly

dope, left by

a disheveled orangutan

who's badly swollen

Big toenail, which

was covered under

anonymous death threats

made by the

one and only

moon walking, smooth

criminal Lower thug.

Called Tweety the

God loving gay.

Who wore a

tight flamboyant suit

made of the

Skin of straights

flayed from their

core of all

evil, Wiggyboy's kitchen

with Three-headed Trolls

and puppy-dog tails

Killing everyone in

singing smurfs fanclub

Using his Great

great great grandfather's

Great axe of

Tr0m's eb0l smite!

Duringthis amazingthreewordgame ThomasNotVeryWise

jumped and shouted:

You're all losers

And the losers

had mad skillz

getting threads locked.