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Just wanted to take the time to say that it looks like you have a really terrific server here, with a lot of awesome players! Big thanks to Elmullaleth Anver for helping my dwarf find a scythe, even if it wasn't magical.

Anyway, looking forward to seeing all of you ingame and RPing with some of you! It's great to be a part of this community.

Welcome aboard.

You found "the' server to play on.

You will find RPing more enjoyable than leveling or finding a magic scythe. They may help your character live a little longer that is for sure.

I look forward to your contrinution to the Underdark.

Psst, ... there is no escape. Just thought you should know before you consider playing on other servers.

welcome to the underdark!

Wern8 is such a nice guy! We should all praise him.


Oh, and welcome to the server Aquan Dreams.

You really have no idea. EfU is the shit (I refuse to say otherwise). Welcome aboard. Oh yeah... Read, read, read...

Did I mention you should read, read, read? We love you and bring your friends! Oh yeah, I forgot to mention: We love newcomers. EVERYONE should be playing EfU. Tell your friends. Tell your enemies. Tell your long-lost cousin. All hail the Hypno-Toad. I lost my point in there somewhere...

What he means is, hello!

Welcome to the Underdark... :twisted:

Welcome welcome! :D :D :D

Greetings and welcome to the dark.

Hey and welcome to the best server ever :D ... hope i get to play with ya sometime....(hmmm that sounds rude :lol: )

hey mate welcome to the dark :P

Hello mate. In for a rough ride?

If you die, remember, blame gravity. 8)

Okay okay. Welcome.

Just remenber that everyone is out to kill you and you should be ok.... Oh and welcome to the underdark!