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[A speech delivered by Councilor Bhast]

Citizens of Sanctuary,

We observe today a town and settlement that has gone beyond the greatest hopes of our founders, generations past. I wish to speak to you today of our Sanctuary. For so many of us it is the dawn after the long night of slavery and subjugation. Our walls are well-protected and defended against any threats. Our most vital and trusted defensive organizations are disciplined and employ the very finest equipment, talent, and arcane abilities to keep our streets safe both from threats within and without. Carefully monitored trade with peaceful settlements beyond Sanctuary have made us wealthier than ever before, and advances in food production have helped ensure that no citizen starves.

Citizens of Sanctuary, I salute you. These great and real accomplishments are a tribute to the labors and dedication of so many. From the rothe-tender who keeps us fed, to the Watch private who walks his lonely vigil on his walls, Sanctuary owes her people much. I invite you to share my pride and enthusiasm for what we have built.

In a few short weeks from now, it will come time for you to elect Sanctuary's next council. The responsibilities of being a Councilor are a heavy burden for any man or woman to bear, but I am asking you today to once against entrust me with this position. We have gone a long way towards realizing Sanctuary's potential, but there is a long road before us yet.

As I woke up this morning and left my home to begin my daily duties, I came upon one of Sanctuary's youngest citizens. I found this young boy busily sweeping an alley filled with trash and debris, and I took the time to congratulate him on his civic spirit and assist him with labors. Searching for inspiration for my talk today, I asked him to share his hopes for the future. He told me something that I will never forget. "Councilor Bhast," he said. "It would be a fine thing to see the sun some day. But this town is my home, and any future I would hope for is reliant upon a safe and preserved Sanctuary."

Fellow citizens, I speak to you today of preservation. Some would claim that we live in a broken town, with a difference between those who choose to live in the lower quarter and those who live in the upper. I say that we are all Sanctuary's children, and all deserve her protection and legal rights. Some would capitalize upon misunderstandings or the excesses of the misguided and the mistakes of the past, and seek political gain by exploiting fear and misery. I tell you that I will stand against them.

I tell you that I will put shields in the hands of men who will preserve our town. I will work against the law of brute strength, and work towards one of order and fairness. Food for the hungry, safety for the frightened, hope for our youngest. Sanctuary balances on the knife's edge between lawlessness and destruction from our enemies in the hostile lands that surround us. I ask you today to let yourself be heard, and join me in preserving our home.