2007-05-16 16:28:58 UTC
The sad loss of Councilor Bhast is unfortunate, but despite the loss his policies should live on.
Sanctuary requires stronger laws. Its defenses require stronger leadership.
Lower Sanctuary deserves to remain as it is; with Upper Sanctuary carefully sealed off from its vagaries, disease, and poverty.
The roll of the Spellguard and the Watch will be more carefully denoted, to end their bickering. With strong guidance our city will prosper.
I will listen carefully to all our defenders before making changes to how they operate, and these changes will improve their ability to defend us all. These organizations best know what they need to protect our city, so their words will be heeded.
Finally it must be accepted that drastic changes to how Sanctuary works must be attempted if this expirament is to continue. I will have the courage to make these changes.
2007-05-16 20:43:09 UTC
*Vladimir gives the following speech in Townhall three times over the course of a day, every eight hours to ensure everyone in town can hear it regardless of when they sleep or rise: what follows is the transcription of the first such speech which occured (in game)*
*looks around at the small crowd and few citizens with a gentle but annoyed sigh*
I am Vladimir Kostova. Some of you have noticed that the polls have still not opened formally for elections as they have for the last 150 years according to our history books.
*a black clad halfing exclaims* Booooring! *and then walks out the door*
This highlights why Sanctuary needs newer, and stronger leadership. The polls did not open on the first as they should because by law, the mayor must open the pools.
The mayor has been dead for many days, but the Council failed to act quickly enough to ensure your democratic institutions continued to function properly.
If they can not make the polls open on time, they can not defend Sanctuary from threats.
*Andrik Krown glances around, looks up at Vladimir with a slight nod and sighs deeply*
This is why stronger candidates are required to run for Council. Men who do not fear making the necessary changes, and who will not waffle like blubbering children when things change rapidly or when danger rises.
*Andrick Krown folds his arms behind himself, rocking on his heels as he listens to Vladimir*
Bhast was correct when he said your old leadership failed you, and like him I will not hesitate to make the changes that must be accomplished if this city is to survive.
*Vladimir looks around at the small audience, making time to meet the gaze of each* This is why you need to vote Vladimir Kostova when the current Council finally opens the polls. Survival hinges upon it.
I do not expect there are any questions.
*Andrick Krown shakes his head, glancing up at Vladimir as he walks down from the podium and out the Townhall door*