2006-02-20 11:20:51 UTC
A successful raid on Hrunk's funhouse.
Flaming prostitutes attack local adventurers!
That's not suspicious at all.
Mylin forgot to "go".
Ivandur held in mid-fight with a Chosen.
I'm held in mid-fight with zombies.
Nunna nunna nunna nunna cog-man.
This sums up Ivandur.
2006-02-20 12:08:05 UTC
Fun with Team Good. Consider it good advertisement. Team Evil will brace foor impact. Rawr.
2006-02-20 19:32:56 UTC
You missed my Murderous Moles comment! >.>
Ki bosh
2006-02-21 00:11:48 UTC
loved the flaming hoes! I had to fend a few off...maybe all I had to was hand her a 100 gold and we coulda been making some hot love and I do mean hot! :)