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[Milmamir, The Last Stand]


It has come to my attention you were a witness to the frenzied after events of Ordinant O'Shea's murder. I'd be interested if you could provide me a written testimony about what you saw and heard in the Ruins that day.

Ordinant Zeriaemu

Ordinant Zeriaemu,

That I was a witness was a misunderstanding that I later tried to explain. I saw a man inside the Dunwarren, a man with gray hair, armed with a rapier, who one of the investigators thought could have something to do with the murder. The single witness to the murder later explained that the assailant had been a half orc. I do not know if the man I saw in Dunwarren did have anything to do with what happened, but I believe it most probable that it was merely a coincidence. Ofcourse, I will leave the investigation to those more experienced in such matters.

Milmamir, servant and priest of Ilmater