Dear sir,
I'm exceedingly interested in the Society you've founded. I'm quite fond of history, and I believe I'd make a fine addition to your team.
Emissary Mulciber Atramentous Shadow Tribe Embassy
Dear sir,
I'm exceedingly interested in the Society you've founded. I'm quite fond of history, and I believe I'd make a fine addition to your team.
Emissary Mulciber Atramentous Shadow Tribe Embassy
Emissary Atramentous,
I'm very happy to hear of your interest. I'll do my best to seek you out in person. I am a halfling who dyes his hair green - should be hard to miss! I frequent The Last Stand Inn, and if possible please meet me at the time listed below.
-Carl Fosca, Historian
[The "time listed below" is just any time we meet in-game. I'll send you a tell]
Emissary Atrementous,
I apologize for not being able to make our appointment, as I've been extremely busy. I hope this letter will be adequate compensation for my lack of attendance.
Here is the plan of attack for the Society:
I am seeking one to two men and women to be the "Historian of the Present". His or her job is to document all noteworthy events that happen in the present. The documentation we make should ideally be the best documentation of events Sanctuary has to offer, as opposed to biased bulletins, letters and speeches. The only drawback however is that this documentation won't be used for quite a time, as our team will be documenting from the Nightal Elections of Year 150 thereon, but once the team has reached the point where they can use these documents, our job will then become faster and easier.
Everybody else will be working as regular Historians. Our job is to seek out old bulletins, old documents, letters, etc. and write out an unbiased account of events and perhaps even offer analysis as to how this reflects with the past and the future to-be. Mind that this job will not be easy, as the time period the Society will focus on has had minimal documentation due to the lack of work by historians who have passed away, such as Mendrick Archibald.
If you're willing to work in any of the two positions above, I'd be glad to offer more details and once we have a team of two or three, I'll see to it we're rented a little cabinet in The Last Stand so we can organize our efforts.
I cannot thank you enough for your interest.
-Carl Fosca, Historian