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Letter to Kobe at the Watch House

Watchman Kobe,

How have you fared? Has your honor been noted and recognized to increase your rank? I have a few things to share with you on this paper.

Does it still remain that Lower is not part of Sanctuary? This is appalling to us of the Tribe if this is yet true. Are those of us who have signed name and received a speaking stone still citizens if we do not live in Lower?

Crimes committed in Lower are not handled by the Watch? I wish to clarify that I do not judge the Watch of this development, as you are the sword of the Council and of Bhast.

Also, does the gnome outlaw woman yet walk freely? I have seen that the notices of her bounty are gone, but have received no word of this. There is reason to think she wishes me and all of my people dead or silenced.

I thank you for informing us of these things. You have ever shown honor and we value this highly. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have concern about the safety of those in Lower, and will help us defend them.

Andrei Tribe of the Blade