Defend what you believe in, lest it be swept away.
So sayeth the Foehammer.
Sanctuary is a city that destroys itself from within while its many enemies watch and wait. Weak men too craven to face the real enemies of the city and its freedom without resort to treacheries against their comrades within. The hushed whispers and insidious agendas of cowards eat at this city from the inside as the arrogant drow march on our gates.
The people of Sanctuary need to return to the basics. They need a reprieve from the infighting and the murder. They need to renounce the poisonous bleating of fat, greedy pigs. They need to arm themselves against the terrors of these lightless depths lest we all are subsumed by the darkness. The petty nature of Sanctuary factional politics must stop. Which honest man battles his fellow villager when a hundred orcs loom in the forest nearby? I will tell you who: the spineless man. He who has resigned himself to a coward's death without having found the mettle to defend his home and hearth, and in doing so resigns his fellows to the same.
This is a call to Sancturians to return to the strength of limb, of will and of arms that so defined our founding heroes. Sweep away the intrigue and face the real threats with steel in hand and courage in your hearts.
Templar Reev Devout of Tempus