Is it good form to inform the other player of PvP and the fact that there is a dm Watching before attacking them? I got more than one tell in askance after beating the newbie to a pulp asking, "Was there a dm?" or, "You know, I spent a lot of time on this charctor, and you went and killed it." The latter I find a bit Heart breaking. I am wondering if the dm can inform both parties that he/she is around. this way, I will be spared the one tell, "Was there a dm watching?" kinda of thing. And the other player understands that the killer had perfect IC reason to do so.
Another PvP question
No, not at all. As long as you know there is a DM there before you initiate the attack, everything is fine.
If they ask if there was a DM watching, you can then say "Yes." and it's all good!
Let me make it clear that "notifying" the DMs and "having a DM present" are two completely different things. We are not there unless we tell you we are there, so please do not just send in a message to the DM channel of "DMplz, PvP in Hoar thnks" and then immediately start the attack. By the time we get it, drop what we are doing, port to the location, likely it is half over already.
But when we have to wait we have to stall any IC actions, and the person more often than not ends up leaving before you can bash them (Which might cause us to act as a charctor would not normally). Sometimes, I wish a dm showed up so I can wack the fellow that was insulting me to teach him a lesson. But at another time, we have players initiating PvP, just as Beggar said, before the dm can get there and the usual consternation follows. For example, a once attacked my ranger/rogue while in the last stand with the spell Flame Strike, the player had to retire the charctor in end because he did not inform a dm, while I, and another player did.
Another time is when my Druid killed an Orcus cleric, while a dm was there, the other player did not know and was generally mad at the fact that she got killed.
To prevent the latter above, I think it would be nice of a dm was to oocly tell all the players in that area that area that he/she is there.
It's not needed for us to let everyone know, as it is a terrible break in immersion in my opinion. Really the person that needs to know we are there is the person that wants to initiate PvP.
Planning helps. If you think that PvP might be happening in the upcomming time period, shoot us a message telling us that. That way your play is not halted by a lack of a DM.
There are moments in which instant action is needed. Like learning the ally is actually an Orcus cleric and you being a druid, sworn to destroy all undead, kill her without a thought, ((I had a dm watching but still, the dm might of been watchng the group from the beginning seeing how quickly the responce came))
Also, what are you gonna do while have to wait for a dm? You get the moments sometimes in which yo must ask, "Mind waiting for a dm to show?" the answer, "To get what? Being bashed in the head by your 20 strength half orc? No, I am getting my ass outta here!"
I think stalling any IC behavior to wait for the dm is seriously immersion breaking. Sometimes, there are moments in which split second decisions must be made, ((To bash the hin now, or wait for the hin to get away while waiting on a dm)) and to stay true to our charctors personalities, we must simply attack. I am aware this is not approved by the dm staff, but sometimes I wish the dm showed sooner so I could teach that annoying, rhyming gnome, a lesson.
Yes, plannign ahead does help, but the moments ni which PvP -does- take place that require split second thoughts, moreoften than not the ones that occur most. THe thieving dwarf runs away hwile you wait for the dm, and can do -NOTHING- while he runs away and eventually losing him.
I should keep within the rules of the forum by making a new thread for a different question. :P
-Edited by MC.
I understand your POV, Thomas. I played in the Aussie timezone in which vast stretches of time would pass with no DM supervision period. There were a plethora of times where the perfect chance for PvP came up, both planned and instant-reactionary (as in your examples). I just had to bail on it. It was unfortunate and maybe a little un-IC, but it was infinitely better than breaking the PvP rules.
I don't really understand what you're point is. Are you making the argument that PvP should be allowable in NPC populated areas without explicit, known DM supervision? If so, it's not going to happen man. :wink:
I am aware of that MC, I am just saying that a reasonable explaination should be enough to advoid the full wrath of the dm crew (Like being forced to retire your charctor)...also, I am making a point about QA areas and making moves in front of Solitary NPC's (Like hrunpar). If I had to between losing the powerfully enchanted (Like pipes of t he flashing blades) or losing it, I would go after the item. Just me though.
The thing is, a 'reasonable explanation' doesn't exist for breaking PvP rules. If you want to PvP in front of NPCs, solitary or not, you make sure a DM is watching (the exception is the ultra-chaotic Lower; even then, you should do your absolute best to try and get a DM beforehand) or you simply do not do it, for any reason.