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The Legacy of Demetrius Bhast

*After a controversial speech in the Town Hall, copies of the speech are placed in public places throughout Upper and Lower Sanctuary*

This city, our Sanctuary, has seen many tragedies. Division, destruction, and death are everyday occurences to us.

But for these past days, the city has been occupied with one death: the death of Demetrius Bhast. I mourn his death, as I mourn the death of every citizen who has passed before their time.

Let us not forget, people of Sanctuary, that before Demetrius Bhast was First Citizen Bhast, or Mayor Bhast, or even Councilor Bhast, he was a free citizen of Sanctuary. A free citizen, like each and every one of you.

I have heard many people speak of what Demetrius Bhast has done for this city, what he stood for, what his legacy will be. I submit to you the following:

The legacy of Demetrius Bhast is the power of any single man or woman, any citizen of Sanctuary, to change this place.

Today, I call upon myself, my council, my Watch, and my fellow citizens to make good use of that power. To use that power to better the lives of each and every person in Sanctuary.

I call on the council, first, to make sure that this vacuum of power is not ill-used. I call upon the council to make a decision:

That there will be either no new mayor, or that the most qualified and experienced person take the position. That person is Councilor Adelia Tyrell.

I call on the Sanctuary Watch to remember that they are pledged to protecting Sanctuary and making it safe, and not to making the people of Sanctuary fear its own protectors.

As such, I call on the Watch to stop making arrests and raids without evidence in the wake of Demetrius Bhast's death.

But most of all, I call upon myself and my fellow citizens to hold one another accountable for our actions. To make sure that we realize the power we have and use it for good. We must be the ones to keep each other safe, to help each other, to pull each other up.

We must protect each other, by making our voices heard to the Council, the Watch, the Spellguard, and the Seekers, so that decisions will not be made without our consent and our input.

We must protect each other by speaking up when we see injustice, inequality, and terrible crimes perpetrated in our streets.

My name is Elias Brock, and I am a free citizen of Sanctuary. That is my power, and it is yours as well.

Let us use that power, together, to usher in a greater world for us all.