Yeah, with inspiration from Halfbrood's thread, I'm doing something similar while I'm considering what I plan to do with my future and if EfU is involved with it.
Have a look. ;)
First there's some of the few shots I have of Mr. Wesh, founder of the Lower Council.
A particularly cute trio. Wesley, Mr. Wesh and Captain Tane.
Kudud Adad at it again, Wesh's in his flashy Golden Mercenary uniform, this time.
Another character.
The sneaky sneaky Private Sheevs. Seen before screenshots, but I thought they'd fit in this thread.
I know y'all love that Illithid stuff.
And another.
A few pictures of the De'Gaerre Mercenary Corporation, altough everyone isn't gathered. Aren't raises touching?
If you need to go afk during a quest, witty explanations and excuses are always fun.
Yeah, I totally reached lvl 8. Don't ask me how.
One more, they tend to have short lifespans you know.
Frank Felano, kickin' street justice in Lower at his favorite spot.
A prayer a day keeps Lower safe.
Eventually, he even got a sweet uniform.
And went straight back to his cosy little corner.
Also, I throw in some random shots. One can be seen elsewhere, but I like it enough for a repost. :)
No vermin in my house, kthxbi.
Red Smiles 4 Lyfe.
And to summarize, there's a lot of awesome screenshots missing due to me simply forgetting to take them and a fried old harddrive of mine.
Also, I would like to thank a lot of people for making EfU a quite incredible place both IC and OOC, I've had a bunch of interesting and amazing characters and I've had more than a few laughs just from chatting with y'all on IRC. All the DMs and all of the playersbase of course have my love, but I'll throw out some special thanks to those I can. Forgive me if I forgot one of you guys, but no one is perfect. :)
Thanks to: Kroffee, Coldburn, Daemonic Daz, YoungBoule/BoneScreech, Metropakt, Aekula, Halfbrood, Staring Death, RobDeHauteville, Skrillix, Oroborus, DangerousDan, Khael, Putrid_Plum, Mort, RwG, Magister, Mr Grendel, Terry, Denethen, Diamsus, Dolorus_Edd, Disco_Spoon, Wiggyboy, Sabaron, Cluckyx, MadCaddies, MexicanGunslinger, Garem, Jasede, Snoteye, Jarpie, Nights Bane, Haquin, SkillfocusPwn, Griffin, Linelle, Domare, Kotenku, Scrappayeti, Alogen, Berosion, DruQks, Cabre, Nickless, Scalebane, Naga, Mornington, Pheonix.
(A ridicilously long list, and I probably forgot a lot of names!)
Something in the back of my head tells me I should be moving on, and I'm going to figure out if that's worth listening to. I'll at least be taking a break for a while, even though I might come trolling in #EfU more than often. :D