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Some random screenies of no real importance and no real point.

Enjoy my adventures of EfU.

The Red Smiles

Dude, what?

Apple Crumble!

More to come, like.

How do you get all your spell icons to have different colours? Mine are all the same.

Dude, Halfbrood... this is so awesome...

...I mean, coloured icons! Woo!



Can't live without this anymore.

Download it, and it will work in every module you play :) (I think)


Banned for brandishing weapons infront of Watch NPCs in the first screenshot.


Ladocicea Banned for brandishing weapons in front of Watch NPCs in the first screenshot.


Heh. I almost posted the exact same thing. What cracks me up is that you can see the little halfling Watchwoman peeking over their shoulders in the screenshot.

I linked that colored icon add on a few months back I wish they'd stickied it T_T

Don't forget theres three different overides one for each set of icons I believe. Spells, abilities and class icons.

I can't help but think we looked hawt. :(

Red Smiles 4 Evah!

More, as promised.

Mhurg's Trial

Ilmryn r pimp

Where's Wiggy?

Civic Duty

Release ze Animatrons!

I love playing dress up.

Not sure whose idea it first was. But it's lol.

Seeing as a lot of people are bored, I've two more screenshots for you to glance at. They're hardly interesting, but they'll remind you all of what EfU is like. Kind of.

The theme today is the questioning of one's faith. Whether that be faith in their actions...

Or faith in their Patron...

More screenshots. Yes, Please.
