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on crashing...

Hello, hopefully this is the right place to post this... i would just like to know that when you select your character, double click then enter the server of your choice (basically EFU only since all other servers are boring) the loading screen comes up with the loading bar at the bottom which goes along and then stops 4/5's of the way along or goes right to the end...then does nothing...im stuck on the screen and am forced to CTRL+ALT+DELETE out of it and try again... i sometimes have to do this with one character several times in succession reloading NWN and the server until i can actually join the game. However sometimes(like today) i cannot for the life of me join no matter how many attempts i do...but then i try a diff character and it loads fine... but then i return to my main character and the problem still persists. I now have to wait till server reset for me to try again(usually)

I usually have to go through this process several times a day when relogging on for whatever reason.

i was wondering if this is a NWN problem or a EFU problem...

sorry this is long winded but im not good at short and sweet really...

Thanks for any help you give...

I've had similar problems in the past, but I'm not sure if they got triggered the same way as your problem. Anyway, there's a trick or two that might be worth trying.

First of all, try changing the game's camera mode. I don't know why, but sometimes I got constant crashes until I swapped my camera mode.

If you've got an ATI card, some animations might cause you to crash (Not 100% sure if this is an issue anymore), but reverting back to the old character animations used to help with this problem. I think they look better than the cross-country skiing animations HotU introduced anyway. They can be found here:


Just extract those to your override folder. I doubt this is your problem though.

Also, it only happens with one of your characters? If your character file has somehow gotten corrupted, that might cause the crashes. If this is the case, the problem is on the server side, not on your computer.

You should also try updating your graphic card's drivers. Having the latest drivers usually fixes a lot of problems (and unfortunately sometimes introduces new ones too.. :P).

That's all the ideas I have for now, please let me know if any of these helped. It'll be good for future reference.

Thanks for the info. I haven't got an ATI card and the drivers for the graphics card is up to date. I'll try the camara view change... also this happens to all of my characters...not just one..

Thanks for the tips though!

To mimic what Dopson said -

Basically, turn all the graphics to their most basic, and especially make sure 'water reflections' are turned off.

That worked for me when I had some problems a while back.

Ive tried with lowered graphics for a few days and i still have the problem, reduced i might add (well at least i think so anyway) but the problem still persists...

also another question about crashing...

Ive also noticed that when i crash in lower it means that i cannot log back on for several hours and/or until reset to solve the problem. I had this problem for a while now as with the other crash i have... the problems of late have reduced somewhat at transition points in lower (all transistion points) ((at least the permanant crashes i get)) but i dont believe it is due to the lowering of my graphics settings.

I was wondering what your thoughts are on this...

Today ive tried to connect over 12 times in a row and still no luck. I get stuck on the OOC welcome screen... i usually altleast make it past that after 1 or 2 tries... no matter what character i use i still have the problem. My graphics are on the lowest setting but still no luck. Any help on this matter?

It's just NWN doing this, right?

A possible (and drastic) solution may be to re-install NWN. Copy the current directory to a backup, uninstall and reinstall/patch. Copy the portraits and overrides back. If that doesn't fix the problem, then it isn't NWN.

It's a lot of work and time though. I would NOT want to try it on dialup either.