2007-04-30 19:49:50 UTC
D'you listen to internet radio?
I figure some of us do while we're playing or are - hypothetically, at least - doing rare things that aren't related to NWN.
If you listen to web radio but somehow haven't heard, you may want to know that webcasters have their panties in a very tight bunch these days. It seems the royalty rates are being hiked way, way higher than is likely affordable. This means 'net radio is in danger. That sucks.
This link should take you to the basics of the argument.
I'll leave the rest to everyone else here. Feel free to post comments, links to opposing arguments, snide deconstructionism, what have you.
2007-05-01 00:04:18 UTC
At my old school On my old server, I played some tuneskies through a little radio program, and put on requests and the like.
2007-05-01 18:43:56 UTC
I listen to the following inet stations:
and somafm on
Hi alstro how you doing! come back to efu!
Starry Ice
2007-05-01 21:57:07 UTC
OMG ALSTROMERIA POST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Staring Death
2007-05-02 02:44:00 UTC
Damn, Starry beat me to it.
And internet radio... huh. Listen to energy! Oh, wait, that's French.
2007-05-02 10:24:07 UTC
There is only one internet radio station.
2007-05-02 10:46:48 UTC
You got there before me, Nawti. -.-
Yes, Pandora does indeed rock.
2007-05-02 20:13:40 UTC
There is only one internet radio
You got there before me, Nawti. -.-Yes, Pandora does indeed rock.
QFT. I've discovered more than a few bands that I listen to these days through Pandora.
Ladocicea would of course point out that my classless taste in music has only got worse as a result, but that's just what makes him so adorable.
2007-05-02 23:07:34 UTC
There is no longer need for internet radio!
You can now buy a state of the art box with antennae and speakers, which allows you to listen to music without logging onto the internet! Technology marches on, unrelenting. Rejoice!
2007-05-02 23:33:06 UTC
There is no longer need for internet radio!You can now buy a state of the art box with antennae and speakers, which allows you to listen to music without logging onto the internet! Technology marches on, unrelenting. Rejoice!
Duuude...mine even gets AM!1! [rawkz out]
2007-05-28 01:32:49 UTC
Just to get my feet moving.