*Letter to Sergeant Azuran*
Sergeant Azuran,
I am writing to you to relay that I observed something troubling this dark pertaining to one of your privates, Larksong. This dark I noticed the woman that Seeker Scae had communicated who was leaking information to Sewer Town prior to the outbreak of hostiles. I approached the woman in question and inquired her to insure that she was in-fact the woman in question. She acknowledged that she was and stated that she did leak information to Sewer Town because she was at odds with the ruling of the council. I relayed to the woman that if I was still in the Watch, I would drag her into the Watch House for a tendark stay.
I informed Private Larksong who asked her into the Watch House for questioning. A few moments latter, I observed the very same woman walking the streets. I approached private Larksong to inquire why this woman was charged with endangering Sanctuary, which she replied that she did not care for me threatening citizens with jail time.
I find this troubling. Between Seeker Scae and my eye witness testimony, there was enough circumstantial evidence to warrant her arrest and trial. Do you not agree?
*Signed* Haren De’votell