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Application Process

Application Process

Frequently Asked Questions

    1. What are applications, and why would I need one? 2. What factions and subraces can I apply for? 3. How do prestige class applications work? 4. What format should my application be in? 5. Can you elaborate on each of the five different sections of the application? 6. What else should I keep in mind when writing an application? 7. What are some examples of good applications? 8. Can I get a special race, major faction, or prestige class without doing an application? 9. Why do you require applications?
1. What are applications, and why would I need one?
    An application is an out-of-character email to the DM email account escapefromunderdark@gmail.com describing your character concept and goals. Applications are voted on by the DM Team. Voting usually takes around three days; it can go quicker for exceptional applications or slower for ones which require more discussion. You can check the status of your application by stopping by #efuapps in IRC.

    In order to maintain the consistency and balance of the setting, we ask that players submit a brief out-of-character application to our e-mail account when they wish to join a faction or play an unusual character. Players should send applications for unusual backgrounds, such as involvement in a canon organization, for special sub-races, for prestige-classes, for faction-entrance, for establishment of a group that includes NPCs and/or property, and any other special perk.

    Examples of concepts that require applications are:

    • Special backgrounds. Example: I am applying for my character to be a former member of the Harpers. Example: I am applying for my character to be a retired member of the Sanctuary Watch. Example: I am applying for my character to have been a personal friend of Elminster Aumar before arriving in the Underdark. Example: I am applying for my character to have been a member of the Order of the Golden Lion before arriving in the Underdark.

    • Membership in a faction. Example: I am applying for my character to join the Sanctuary Watch. Example: I am applying for my character to work for the Pissing Crone. Example: I am applying for my character to serve as an ambassador for the Shadow Tribe.

    • A character in a restricted subrace. Example: I am applying to play a drow character. Example: I am applying to play a svirfneblin character. Example: I am applying to play a tiefling character.

    • A character with levels in a prestige class. Example: I am applying for my character to take the Assassin PrC. Example: I am applying for my character to take the Weapon Master PrC. Example: I am applying for my character to take the Champion of Torm PrC, but as a Champion of Lathander.

    • Establishment of a group with NPCs and/or property. Example: I am applying for my character and his seedy cohorts to establish a hideout for their gang in Lower Sanctuary. Example: I am applying for my character and his faithful to construct a shrine to his deity, which he will lead as high priest.

    • Another miscellaneous favor. Example: I am applying for my character to have his left hand missing. Example: I am applying for my character to have a red slaad as his familiar. Example: I am applying for my character to have a raven as her animal companion.

    • Storylines or plots. Example: I am applying for a character whose escape infuriated her former master, who puts a bounty on her head. Example: I am applying for a character involved with a slaving ring that secretly operates out of a hideout in Lower Sanctuary. Example: I am applying for a character sent into the city by a duergar cartel who will work to cause internal discord to aid in their impending siege.
    One application can include a combination of these. For example, the following concept combines a subrace, a special background, a visual alteration, and a possible bounty plot:

    Arkov Bartelisk I am applying to play a duergar character named Thurd Gryme. He was a disreputable member of the Mur Mercenaries until he was caught stealing from the company on an expedition. His former companions chopped off his left hand for theft, confiscated all his belongings, and tied him up to await the judgment of General Mur as to whether he should live or die. Fortunately for him, he managed to escape before his companions got him back to Fort Mur. Scurrying across the Underdark, he eventually arrived in Sanctuary and decided that a poor, dismal settlement of filthy ex-slaves would be the perfect place to hide from proud duergar mercenaries. Fort Mur may post a bounty on him, once his former companions report his escape.
2. What factions and subraces can I apply for?
    You can apply to join any of the following factions. Class and alignment recommendations are noted.

      The Watch. Recommendation: Non-Cleric, Non-Wizard, Non-Sorceror, Non-Druid. Non-Chaotic.

      The Spellguard. Recommendation: Wizard or Sorceror. Non-Chaotic.

      The Stewards (Keepers and Guardians). Recommendation: Must have druid levels to be a Keeper, most nature-oriented classes accepted for Guardians

      The Seekers. Recommendation: Non-Lawful, Non-Evil.

      The Society. Recommendation: Non-Chaotic, Non-Evil.

      The Pissing Crone. Recommendation: Non-Good.

    This is not a comprehensive list. If you are interested in joining a particular faction, or even opening up a new faction (for example, "Employees of the Last Stand"), you should feel welcome to contact a DM and discuss your ideas.

    Faction applications should be followed up with in-game attempts to gain entrance to the faction. In-game recommendations from the current members of the faction are very important to this process.

    Note that you do not need an application to join the Town Council. Election to the Town Council is done through an entirely in-character voting process.

    You can apply for any of the following subraces: Aasimar, Air Genasi, Arctic Dwarf, Bugbear, Deep Gnome (Svirfneblin), Deep Imaskari, Deep Orc, Drow, Earth Genasi, Fire Genasi, Ghostwise Halfling, Gnoll, Gray Dwarf, Gray Orc, Half-drow, Hobgoblin, Mountain Orc, Tiefling, Water Genasi, Werecat, Wererat, Werewolf, Wild Dwarf. Some notes for specific subraces:

    • Aasimar -- We receive a lot of applications for Aasimar paladins, and it doesn't make sense to us to have Sanctuary filled with Aasimar paladins.

    • Deep Orc (Orog)/Gray Orc/Mountain Orc -- These subraces are possible, but must be from proven role-players with extremely exceptional concepts. Gray Orcs/Mountain Orcs are more likely to be approved than Orogs.

    • Lycanthropy -- These subraces are still in their beta-testing phase, so exceptional concepts from players who we trust not to exploit are mandatory. It is key that there is some indication in the application about why the lycanthropy is necessary for the goals.

    • Drow -- Although neutral (and good aligned) drow certainly exist, we prefer to see PC drow reflecting the fact that the overwhelming majority of drow are terrifying and extremely evil. This is not a subrace we recommend to players new to EfU, for your own sake. EfU is very, very tough on drow. Female drow/priestesses of Lolth are unlikely to be approved. Those drow we do admit are likely to be exiles or wanderers. In the Underdark a small elvish figure all covered up would by default be assumed to be drow, not the other way around. Do not expect to find playing drow in EfU to be an easy experience IC or OOC.

    • Gnoll/Hobgoblin -- These monstrous races should expect the same sort of in-character hostility and survival challenge atmosphere that regular goblins and kobolds experience.
    This list of subraces is not a comprehensive list. We are also definitely willing to add subraces if we receive a strong application for a subrace that hasn't yet been added to the module.
3. How do prestige class applications work?
    When applying for a prestige class, your application must demonstrate that your character is actually worthy of the prestige associated with the prestige class. The precise definition varies with the prestige class.

      Arcane Archer -- You should be involved in a leadership position of an elf-oriented martial group, and work to champion the elvish culture and way of life. (NOTE: We are very open to other interpretations of this prestige class, as long as they accomplish the same ultimate objective of involving other players.)

      Assassin -- You should have successfully completed a murder contract, performing an assassination on another's behalf. Frequently, this will be done for no reason other than pay. Please include a list of successful hits with your application.

      Blackguard -- You should be a proactive champion of an evil cause or an evil power. You must also be sponsored by an evil outsider with whom you have made friendly contact. Please include information on how you plan to attract the favorable attention of your evil outsider.

      Champion of Torm -- You should be a proactive champion of a deity and have performed an act of exceptional heroism and bravery dedicated to the deity's cause. (NOTE: This class can represent being a divine champion of any deity, not just Torm.)

      Dwarven Defender -- You should be a proactive champion of the dwarven people and have performed an act of exceptional heroism and bravery dedicated to a dwarven cause.

      Harper Scout -- You must be a member of the Harpers. This may be difficult to arrange in our setting.

      Pale Master -- You should be actively involved in the promotion and study of undeath.

      Red Dragon Disciple -- You should have a dragon or half-dragon as a mentor. (NOTE: This class can represent being a disciple of any color of dragon.)

      Shadowdancer -- (This class is not currently available to PCs, due to balance concerns.)

      Shifter -- You should study creatures' habits, culture and customs. This is a very difficult prestige class to earn; remember to justify in your application how your pursuit of the class will involve other players.

      Weapon Master -- You should have a reputation as a warrior dedicated to a particular style of combat. In the absence of PCs to teach you how to become a master of your particular weapon, you should include in your application ideas for how your character will learn.

    If you are unsure about how to meet these prerequisites, feel free to contact a DM for advice. We are also willing to approve applications that do not meet these prerequisites, but demonstrate prestige and strength of concept in other ways.
4. What format should my application be in?
    Please send in applications using this format:

      Subject of e-mail: "<What you're applying for (i.e. drow, Watch, Perk> application, <account/forum name>"

      1. Account name and times you can be reached (playtime/timezone) 2. Your character name; details including a bio (not too long please) 3. Details about him/her/it (please include alignment, deity, race, and class) 4. What you're applying for. 5. What you plan to do with it, and why it will be fun for you and others.

    There is no word limit for applications. Please try to keep your apps short and concise, but do not hesitate to include any pertinent goals or plans. Thoughtful and detailed goals, plots, plans, and objectives are a crucial component of any application. Backgrounds are the main thing to keep to a minimum.
5. Can you elaborate on each of the five different sections of the application?

    First Section: This section can just be one line. (i.e. "1. Arkov Bartelisk. Usually 9PM to 2AM PST.")

    Second Section: Please just convey the important details about the character's background. You don't need to present his entire life story. Keep this brief, and focus your efforts on other parts of the app. This section is not likely to make or break your app, unless you are making a character that is completely wrong for what you are applying for.

    Third Section: Do remember to include the alignment, deity, race, and class! Also include any other short details that relate to your concept that do not appear in the bio.

    Fourth Section: This section can just be one line. (i.e. "4. The Seekers.")

    Fifth Section: This section is the meat of the application. It should cover both short-term and long-term goals and details about how the character will plan to accomplish those goals. Good questions to keep in mind when writing this section are:

    • Do you have a plan of how to achieve these goals?
    • Do these goals give us potential for good stories?
    • Do these goals include other players/characters?
    • Can you pursue these goals with minimal DM assistance?
    • Are these goals compelling and interesting?
6. What else should I keep in mind when writing an application?
    Applications should be written in an OOC format. They should not be phrased ICly.

    Application-required concepts are essentially a way to reward players who are going to be proactive and pursue goals, ideally in a way that will involve others. Faction and sub-race players should generally be proactive players who will pursue interesting objectives, inspire conflict/cooperation/interaction, involve new players, and otherwise make the server a more interesting place.

    Telling us about the background or personality is really not very important for these applications. Please just tell us some specific goals, plot ideas, or anything else that you will specifically be doing when you play the character.

    Every application that wants to be considered seriously should have at least one goal or plan that involves other players and doesn't require DM assistance.

    We want to make EfU a vibrant and interesting place. Our objective with these apps and factions is to encourage players to be proactive and involve others in interesting things. Just tell us how you'll do that, and you'll more than likely be all set!

    Regarding subrace apps: We will tend to approve subrace concepts as a perk for players who have already played a previous successful character with a non-approval race. If you are new to the server, you will not be approved to play a special subrace character before you have successfully played a regular non-approval race. This is to prevent disorientation and ensure that you have an understanding of our story's setting.

    IMPORTANT: Before you send your application, please ensure that it is easily readable and does not contain numerous spelling mistakes or grammatical errors. If your application contains numerous spelling mistakes and grammatical errors, it is less likely to be approved.

7. What are some examples of good applications?
    We have posted several examples of good applications, along with commentary and analysis, (COMING SOON). You are encouraged to look them over and read our comments, so that you can see what goes into a truly excellent application.
8. Can I get a special race, major faction, or prestige class without doing an application?
    No. There may be situations where we see a good fit for something and will ask you for an application. There are also some minor factions that currently don't require an application (although they have less benefits as well.) However, for races, major factions, and prestige classes, we require the player to go through the application process. This avoids any appearance of favoritism, and helps the DM team keep track of all of the approved concepts that are currently active. It also gives you an opportunity to refine and reflect on your character's goals and plans, and consider additional ways to involve other players in your story.
9. Why do you require applications?
    The applications process is designed to maintain the consistency and balance of the setting. If we get too many drow, it will ruin the feel and special quality of the race. If we get too many prestige classes, they lose their prestige. If we get inappropriate characters joining factions, the factions will lose their focus.

    The application process is not there as a way to punish players, as a power trip for the DMs, or as a way to give stuff to "friends of DMs". The app process is very important to maintaining a cohesive server, and makes things more fun for the player base as a whole. We feel it is a worthwhile sacrifice for both the DMs and the players.

Good Application Examples

    There are many different qualities that contribute to a great application, including an unquantifiable sense of "the Awesome." Instead of trying to enumerate these, and inevitably overemphasizing some qualities and forgetting others, we present the following samples of real exceptional applications, along with commentary and analysis on what makes them so good.

    Of course, the number one important quality of a good application is that it has goals that involve other players while requiring minimal DM support. As you read through these examples, notice that each one does a superb job of this.

    SideKick 1. SideKick. Varied playing times, Australian timezone.

    2. Rueth Greyward. Escaped slave from Traensyr. Callous and steadfast in the pursuit of his goals, Rueth is blunt and outspoken, unburdened by pleasantries and idle chatter.

    His personal creed is dictated by his conviction in the virtues of discipline and vigour. Only when the strong assert their authoritarian dominance will humanity know security and prosperity in the harsh and vicious realm of the Underdark.

    3. Lawful evil, Helm, human, fighter.

    4. The Watch

    5. Rueth’s longterm goals are twofold. He seeks to ensure the security of Sanctuary from within, while simultaneously projecting its strength against the numerous enemies that populate the Underdark.

    Of foremost concern, is protecting Sanctuary through means of control. Rueth is adamant that the Watch must eliminate the enemies within, real or imagined. Citizens that fail to pledge support are subversive elements and should be dealt with accordingly. Punishment for offenders and ill-doers must be harsh, so as to set a precedent for others to follow.

    If the people will not actively labour to make Sanctuary strong and well defended, they will be made to. Rueth will lobby to have non-surface races (Drow, Duergar, etc.) licensed and subject to constant scrutiny. Citizens will be drafted into military units to mount raids and marshal the defence, while smiths and crafters commissioned to outfit these draftees.

    The Town Council is an unnecessary impediment to the security of Sanctuary. Given the chance Rueth would dispose of the organisation entirely. Initially he will push for the seats to be occupied by ineffectual puppets that can be bullied into carrying out his will. Ultimately he will do all within his power to weaken the Council and invest power in a strong leader.

    Arkov: This was one of the earliest applications that we received, and it is one of my all-time favorites. Within a few short paragraphs, this player describes not merely a character, but a vision for his faction and for the future of Sanctuary. Sparing no words on idle chatter, he lays bare his character's fundamental philosophy, his long-range goals, and his concrete short-term plans. His ultimate objectives are bold, dramatic, and exciting. They offer incredible opportunity for conflict and cooperation, both personal and ideological, and set the stage for wonderful stories. This application is absolutely excellent and inspiring.

    Take-Home Lessons: Notice how the biography focuses on the character traits which are important for the rest of the application. The character's driving motivations are laid out, but with no unnecessary focus on his life story -- this is perfect. Every line of the goals section adds a new goal or concrete plan for implementing a goal. These specific concrete steps, many of which can be done without DM involvement and which allow for a wide variety of interaction and conflict, are just as important as the overarching vision and long-range goals.

    This application is a good example of how you can make an amazing, awesome character out of an incredibly simple mold -- a human Helmite fighter ex-slave. A common mistake is to try to substitute rare subraces, obscure deities, exotic homelands, or other "uncommon" molds for real depth and exciting goals. Remember: your character will not be special because he's a water genasi; he will be special because of the depth, thought, and awesome characterization that you provide. The application is your first chance to show off your goals and concept.

    Stormbnder 1. Stormbnder, EST afternoons through late nights.

    2. Aaron Wrinkle. Enslaved by the Illithids, Aaron was subjected to many experiments which altered his perception for brief periods of time, causing him to believe that things were there or happening that weren't. This eventually caused a shift in his understanding of the world, which led him to believe that nothing is real but what the mind makes real. His current view of the world is that all that he perceives is a creation of his own mind, and the more that he can bring under his influence, the better he will control his mind and be able to influence the things around him. He is an illusionist, because he believes that the illusions are just as powerful as reality, since it is the mind which is affected by them, and the mind is all that matters.

    He is unclear on his past, due to the experiments, but believes that he lived a simple student's life in the Dalelands, and was very lucky to receive the education that he did. He may have just as easily been educated by the Illithids after being birthed in their pits, but he has knowledge of society, writing, and magic from one source or another. He escaped on a routine scouting mission, when a sudden landslide buried his captor.

    3. Neutral Evil, no deity (deities are also creations of his mind, he believes), human, wizard.

    4. Spellguard.

    5. My Spellguard character will establish a network of contacts and spies to further his own goals of control, as well as assist the Spellguard.

    His overall goal is to bring everyone and everything under his sphere of influence and control, because of his beliefs about the truth of the mind. He believes that once he controls everything in his perceived universe, he will be able to do absolutely anything just by willing it, since he will have complete control over his own mind, and thus his perceived world.

    He will attempt to give the Spellguard a better reputation in Sanctuary, since many of the members of the Spellguard are cold and terse. He will be much more friendly and gentle with citizens, in order to better and more subtly manipulate them.

    He will make sure that the entire populace is well educated in the reasons for the Spellguard's existence, and always promote the importance of cooperation.

    He will organize fun wizarding events, like duels and tournaments, only in Spellguard-designated safe areas, to look for new recruits and to promote the idea that the Spellguard does more than just enforce laws. He will also take these opportunities to prove himself against other wizards.

    Those people who do not cooperate with his agenda will be killed in a secretive fashion, and he will eat their brains. He will do this because he got a taste for it from an old Illithid master, and because he considers it to be absorbing other aspects of his own mind, giving him greater control over the fabric of reality.

    Arkov: This is another of my all-time favorite applications. The character is brilliantly constructed and well thought out, with an original and imaginative world-view. Even better, the application itself is well-paced and exciting to read! The long-term goals are creative and fit the character perfectly, and the concrete steps to pursue those goals involve other players, offer opportunities for conflict and cooperation, and require no DM involvement.

    Tip: a common oversight in wizard applications is to forget to mention the school of magic that the character is specializing in. Observe how this application not only mentions the specialization, but also incorporates it in a clever way into the character's persona, philosophy, and objectives. This is superb. The character isn't just a wizard; he is truly an Illusionist.

More good application examples.

Account: Colonel Misery, EST weekends/rain-days/nights if I can stay awake

Aleczumberzeil te Esoterotept is a NE human fighter/bard of Jergal (although his interpretation of Jergalite dogma is super conservative, harkening back to the older pre-Kelemvor Jergal, and the piety is more of reverence of what he considers to be the ultimate deity of death vs. adherence to a particular creed). He is predominantly a scholar and loremaster, whose ultimate objective is to survive in order to continue to his scholary research. To that end, he is actively pursuing necromancy and any form of magic that would extend his lifespan and improve his withering body. He is not a particularly adept arcanist or spell-user, but more a necromantic researcher and scholar who is interested in using his own body for said research out of desperate fear of his own inevitable mortality.

Alecz entered into the Underdark deliberately, fleeing a group of enraged Waterdhavian librarians after the successful theft of a number of their more obscure texts (he remains paranoid of the reemergence of these dangerous and deadly librarians). Alecz was seized by a roving band of monstrous slavers, who stole all his things (including the tomes), but whom he eventually managed to escape. He believes that there is a specific reason he stumbled upon Dunwarren, and indeed is developing a theory as to it being a place of enormous necromantic significance.

I am applying for the pale-master prestige class.

Goals/Things he will do:

(1) Attempt to amass the most interesting book collection of any PC. In addition to the various books that are already sprinkled around the module, it would be nice if you guys would consider dropping rare books on the occasional PC group for Alecz to try to hunt down (and purchase or send bounty hunters after). In addition to rare yet mechanically useless books, it might be cool to have some books with useful charges that involved destruction of the book itself - something Alecz would be violently opposed to.

(2) Write and publish a variety of different short tomes and texts: essays on the advantages of necromancy/the use of undead, alternate historical theories, records of profound events or significant deaths.

(3) Further the cause of friendly undead in Dunwarren. To that end, he will closely ally with Thomas and any other sentient-friendly undead being he encounters. He will attempt persuasion (personal + written) of PCs and NPCs to try to convince them to willingly sign up to be animated as well as use undead creatures for daily household chores and of course town defense.

(4) Actively research any undead/necromantic subject possible: this may include hiring other PCs to collect rare ingredients (or organizing quests around such), etc.

(5) Run for Council, fail spectacularly. I have no interest in actually winning a seat, yet running a campaign in which Alecz will proudly announce his support for the use of undead (and possibly use trickery such as animating nice old ladies and try to get the unthinking abominations to pantomime campaigning for him) might be interesting.

(6) Be a public, clear enemy for most good aligned PCs and law enforcement as well - he will attempt to exploit the vagueness regarding the legality of animating monsters/non-citizens as undead, so hopefully be a villain that will really let CG shine as they take him down. Of course, I do not plan to be taken down, but I am sure it will happen. I imagine he'll break some laws along the way too so law enforcement may get him also.

(7) Attempt to organize a semi-formal cadre of like-minded PCs who are open to necromantic research. Again the group will act as a public and clearly identifiable group of bad guys who good can actively work and scheme against.

( Attempt to establish a shop that sells books and other rare antiquities within Lower Sanctuary. This may be done either by renting space in a PC run area (such as a tavern, etc.) or if necessary by opening his own building. The shop would also offer scribe's services, and generally publish views and perspectives contrary to what Alecz considers the narrowly-bound ethical standards of the Upper establishment.

1.) Account Name: If I Could Turn Back Time Playtime: GMT -5 Evenings.

2.) Character Name: Valaron Sunellar Bio: Born to a mixed parentage involving celestial blood, Valaron joined the Order of the Ruby Rose in his late teenage years when his heritage became more overtly manifest. While an inititiate, he was captured in Waterdeep by slavers and brought to Skullport, where he was sold into slavery as an intriguing commodity for his heritage. After several transactions, he was eventually brought to Traensyr, where he was branded as a slave to a major Drow House. Due to the recent conflicts between the established Lolthies and Ghaundahauran rebels, he was able to escape Traensyr and make his way to Sanctuary. His experiences in slavery have burned out most any sense of vanity or entitlement from him, and his Aasimar heritage and training with the Ruby Rose Order make him compelled to reattain his life in Sanctuary after it was nearly stripped from him, and to prove himself worthy of the title he was never able to receive.

3.) Alignment: Lawful Good Deity: Sune Race: Aasimar Class: Fighter/Paladin

4.) Application for: Aasimar subrace and a position in the Sanctuary Watch.

5.) Goals:

-Join the Sanctuary Watch. As the principal defense force and the current reason that Sanctuary has remained intact, a position in this organization currently offers the best chance to work to help the people of Sanctuary. The character will also work to end corruption and graft in this organization, viewing such activities as an inner manifestation of the darker, ugly side of human nature that must be halted and stopped.

-Esablish a system of Magistrates to oversee trials, instead of the current system of using Council members. The rift between the Sheriff and the Council has left an awkward procedure where trials are sometimes ignored in lieu of immediate punishment. By creating a set of three magistrates chosen jointly by the Watch and the Spellguard, this will hopefully prevent such acts. It will also eliminate the problem of having political figures with possibly little experience in matters of the law from passing judgment upon suspected criminals.

-Work to re-establish a set of PC Deputies for the Watch-or the Civil Defense League, depending. Essentially, this would give other PCs a chance to see the Watch at work defending Sanctuary from outside threats as well as simply patrolling inside the city. It will also likely appeal to some players who enjoy that sort of roleplay, and possibly help give some struggling characters a sense of purpose and duty.

-Work to address the concerns of some of the separatist factions and re-integrate them into Sanctuary's main government. As a battered city located in the Underdark, Sanctuary severely compromises its ability to remain intact by splitting itself into bickering factions. The concerns of some such factions, such as New Dunwarren and the Spellguard, may be addressed in such a manner as to entice them back into their roles in the main Sanctuary government. Showing both of these factions that corruption can be rooted out, and that Sanctuary's government can function effectively when backed strongly by the Watch, as well as addressing stated concerns of some of the faction members, may work to bring them back into the fold of Sanctuary. Lower Sanctuary is a more problematic area, and may or may not be considered salvageable by the character, depending upon how the other new factions act.

-Destroy Etorix and the Shadow Tribe. As a banner of darkness that seeks to subjugate the city and force them into the worship of a false god of darkness, they pose an indirect threat of corruption and destruction to every citizen of Sanctuary. They will need to be dealt with in such a manner as to avoid directing the dragon's wrath upon Sanctuary, but allowing them to continue spreading their corruption unopposed would be the height of folly.

6.) Appendix Notes:

-Aasimar Subrace: I understand that there will probably be some hesitation to approve another Aasimar, especially a Sunite Watch one. There is also the consideration that the concept may not "need" the Aasimar subrace. Are the goals within attainable without the Aasimar subrace? Yes. The consideration I see for Aasimar, however, and the reason that I want the subrace, is how it will affect my character, and thus his efforts to make those goals happen. In essence, the Aasimar subrace will make his personality stronger, and reinforce his sense of self-image and willpower. He will believe he is empowered to prove himself by not simply defending Sanctuary and protecting the status quo, but by working to change the city greatly into a better place. As a serious Sunite, the Aasimar subrace will also give him the strength to speak out against the more flippant, vain, and silly members of his faith, rather than accepting them in some aspect as a normal human might. In short, the subrace will drive the character's personality to be that of a strong, unflinching, committed aspect to his deity and his station, and through that, affect the way in which he pursues his goals. So, the question "are the goals attainable without an Aasimar-" yes. Is the concept the same without the Aasimar? Not at all. That's all I can really offer to justify my request of the subrace, I think. -Watch Faction: Basically the character wants to join this faction for the reason above; it offers the best position from which to affect the stability of, and work for the betterment of Sanctuary, at this time. I also think another LG Watchperson may be a good counter-point to the chaotic, neutral, and evil tendencies that seem to be running through the Watch at the moment. -Sune: I see her dogma as one that is often misinterpreted and taken at face value. That's why this deity interests me, and it's why I want to play an Aasimar paladin of her. The dogma is nearly always misinterpreted as simply outer beauty, vanity, flippant nonsense. A paladin of celestial blood will be able to explore and propagate the inner beauty aspect of her dogma-that which warns against corruption of the soul, evil acts, a sick and vile personality. Both the Aasimar subrace and the paladin class will help the character to be more firm in belief and actions, and thus allow me to create a more cutting and hard-edged treatise on the true nature of Sunite dogma.

That's all! Thanks for reading the overly-long application, and I'd be happy to discuss my thoughts on why I want the Aasimar subrace in more detail in an IRC conversation, if I didn't expound upon it clearly enough here.

Thanks again!

Account: Calculor/Antigone Weeps/Plethora of others Availability: CST (-6) Evenings

Character: Isabelle D'Arquette Alignment: CG (though I imagine it will trickle down to CN) Class: Rogue

Bio: The daughter of a minor Amnian noble of little note, Isabelle was an unsually pugnacious girl. Most comfortable amongst the serfs and villagers of her family's lands, her increasingly revolutionary and dangerous ideas worried her father, the Lord D'Arquette. Correctly fearing that Isabelle intended to free the peasents upon her inheritance of the D'Arquette estate, the ailing old Nobleman instead passed control of the estate to Isabelle's corrupt and hedonistic sister, the wicked Catalina.

Upon her ascention, Catalina grew only more wicked. The peasents, used to the conservative rule of her father, grew restless with the 'Tyrant Daughter'. Isabelle, enfuriated at her sister's abuse of power, led her beloved commoners in revolt- a brutal, short-lived coup. Isabelle, though spirited and pugnacious, knew little of military tactics, and was easily defeated by the experianced and loyal Captain of the Guard and his professional forces. Sadistic as ever, Catalina removed Isabelle's left hand as a reminder, exiling her older sister from the family lands.

Isabelle soon arrived in Athkatla, and following a short-lived scheme to rob a merchant ship and redistribute the wealth to the poor, ran afoul of the Shadow Thieves. Owing them a debt she couldn't repay (the scheme involved a rare and expensive cask of gunpowder) , they instead sold her into slavery. Her buyers were Drow, who quickly brought her and the rest of their newly acquired 'stock' underneath the earth. Following a raid by a rival house, Isabelle was able to slip away in the fracas, and eventually stumble upon Sanctuary.

Goals: Isabelle's primary goal is to preserve freedom amongst Sanctuary (primarily the Lower Wards). She'll be violently opposed to the Spellguard and its meddling, and doubtless hold a strong distrust for the Watch and the Council. Fearful of their power, she'll try and keep them as weak as possible- using a variety of methods to do so. She'll feed false information to keep them at each other's throats, encourage potential rival groups, and raise dissent among the residents of Lower Sanctuary, especially. If any PC looks to be gaining too much authority, Ivandur or the Archibalds for example, she'll doubtless work to undermine them.

I see her potentially making an alliance with Sewertown, especially. She'd likely aid the Tigereyes as a matter of convience, while not particurally agreeing with their methods. Potentially balancing elements- like Mandarin Dreagle was, would definately be endorsed by her, She'd always be on the look out for eyes and ears, not above hiring common dregs to do a bit of snooping. This would extend to most of the Underworld-she'd tolerate them, to an extent. If it means keeping the pleblians free, she'll do what it takes (barring odiously evil acts, such as murder).