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Letter to the Council

a paper comes with the actual letter and neat text written below it

The Underground Truth

There has been a long standing dispute between the Seekers, the Watch, and the Spellguard. All of them have their faults. All of them step over the line. This time, however, one side took the dispute too far. And that side, is the Seekers. This time, an innocent child suffers the consequences.

A Seeker was having fun at the Spellguard's expense, littering caltrops around their tower to make their lives difficult. It did just that. But not in the way they expected. A small child, simply trying to deliver newspapers to support his elderly family. He tried to deliver such a news paper to the Spellguard, like a good citizen, he tried to do his job. The poor child tripped, and imbedded several caltrops into his chest, and sliced his throat wide open. Vainly, the child tried to crawl off the caltrops, trying to at least deliver his paper to the Spellguard tower before death claimed his life. It was to be of no avail however, the caltrops had done their deadly work. There would be no help. There would be no laughing at Seeker jokes at others expense this time. No, there is only a shameful death this time.

Do not turn a blind eye to this affront. Demand justice. Demand satisfaction. Demand your right to truth. The truth is there. The body is there. The grieving elderly parents, still there, lest starvation has taken them, now lacking their only source of income. Ask the tough questions. Ask why?

The truth? The people want the truth. Do not lie to yourselves and think that this is a joke, irrelevant, or simply unimportant. This is the truth. Nothing less, nothing more.

Signed, The Faceless

The conflict between Spellguards and Seekers has been there for a long time. As far as I know, Spellguard have not done anything to harm, or provoke Seekers as much as we have been provoked. This was the last drop. This time action of the Seekers lead to a result of dead child, a new generation of hope among us.

I ask that the Council takes the matter on their hands and decides what needs to be done. Personally I think, the Seeker behind this needs to be taken in and charged for murder. And that is what I will strive for.

- Agent Reydal Graden

*a letter is returned*

I don't see why you don't simply write out a warrant for the arrest of the one responsible. Do it, and it will be taken care of.


Dugo Nish, Councillor