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The Journals of Cyris Brisdane

My father always said all things are governed by laws even if we cannot see them. Natural law controls the wilds and the beasts that roam it, our city watch govern the law of our home and keep us from becoming like the beasts while the gods law show us the way in which a life can be lived. But he never spoke of the laws of the arcane then why would he, for he had great distain for the works of mages and the like. Not a suprise then that it was that path i choose to live on, for i was always a... disapointment to my noble father. We lived in the shadow of the spellguard tower all my life and his resentment of their ways just encouraged me to learn of them. Magics laws are as important as any other laws, for if abused thay can bring down terrible pain and suffering on those that do not pay them heed. Still if i am to learn more of these and the path i have choosen to lead i must first begin to push myself to new goals. It would break my fathers heart if he still lived to know that I, his only son would try to join the spellguard. The old fool never understood, there are other ways in which we can fight to protect our home. One does not require to wield a sword and stand in a wall of shields to fend off the darkness.