2007-04-21 00:51:41 UTC
Dear Councilor,
You seem like an open man on the council, I would like to speak with you about the outburst of our new faith in Lower and how it could propagate a new era of serenity for Sanctuary.
With my most sincere sympathy,
Brother Deus
P.S. Please leave a reply for myself at the Crone.
2007-04-21 11:57:02 UTC
We surely can meet, but I find your letter more cryptic than enlightening. I presume this is done in purpose, we should indeed meet. Since you did not leave any specifics about the time or the place, I would suggest contacting me at the town hall, where council work occupies me most of the time.
2007-04-21 16:56:14 UTC
We surely can meet, but I find your letter more cryptic than enlightening. I presume this is done in purpose, we should indeed meet. Since you did not leave any specifics about the time or the place, I would suggest contacting me at the town hall, where council work occupies me most of the time.
I assumed this was from you?
No, nonsense - I would invite you to our noble abode in Lower. Come by the Red Skull Temple.
If the location is unknown to you, try the old fortress.
-Brother Deus
((I will message you when our gameplay times match up IG))