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*Letter to the Tribe of Blade*


I would like to meet with a member of the Tribe of Blade to discuss a somewhat strange buisness related to an experiment I wish to conduct.

The details will be given in person but fear not, it is nothing dangerous or anything of that line. It might simply sound... amusing.

I can be reached at the Last Stand.

May Oghma light your path to the ways of Knowledge,

*signed in a delicate script*

Ann-Elizabeth D'Ombreblanc

A letter is quickly returned to the last stand

Greetings Ann-Elizabeth of the D'Ombreblanc Tribe,

And what would be the gain of the Tribe? Frankly, you lost my interest after failing to mention any danger related to this "strange" business, nor did you mention any gains, aside from this "amusement".

The Tribe is serious in its undertakings, but we shall hear you out nevertheless.

It would be good that this conversation does not end with both of us having lost our most precious time.

May Bone Father protect your shell and soul,
