I was looking around on the site for stats for these two subraces and am just wondering what ability adjustments are being used so I can end up with the character I have planned.
I was looking around on the site for stats for these two subraces and am just wondering what ability adjustments are being used so I can end up with the character I have planned.
All the feats a Halfling would get, exept 'Lucky'
-2 STR -2 CHA
Additionally, they have the same speed as a human (30 feet as opposed to a halfling's 20) and +1 Natural Armor.
A kobold would have, after applying hafling stats (-2str, +2dex): -2 str -2 con
For a total of:
-4 str +2 dex -2 con
They receive, as stated before, an additional 1 AC Natural Armor to the +1 AC stats got from small stature.
...which means the average kobold is more adorable than the average dwarf. :P
Goblinoids, I'm told, all get +4 MS as well.
Goblins are small creatures that many consider to be little more than a nuisance. Standing just over 3 feet and weighing less than 50 pounds, these creatures are seldom intimidating on their own but can be cunningly lethal in larger numbers. Their skin tone ranges from yellow to deep red, and they prefer to wear colors that blend into their natural surroundings of dark cavers. Often bullied by the larger races, goblins have learned to exploit their advantages, usually in the form of sheer numbers and ingenuity.Goblin Ability Adjustments: +2 Dex, -2 Str, -2 Cha Favored Class (Rogue): A multiclass goblin's rogue class does not count when determining whether he suffers an XP penalty for multiclassing.
Special Abilities:
- Small Stature: - +1 size bonus to attack rolls. - +1 size bonus to AC. - +4 size bonus to Hide checks. - Darkvision: Goblins are able to see in the dark. - Skill Affinity (Move Silently): +4 racial bonus to Move Silently checks. - Goblinoid: Goblins count as Goblinoids for the purpose of spells. Racial feats: Darkvision Small Stature Goblinoid Skill Affinity (Move Silently)
Kobolds are short, reptilian humanoids with a scaly hide and a doglike head. They are small creatures, about the size of a gnome or halfling. Their skin color ranges from pale grey to dusty black with eyes than glow a deep red. Kobolds are experts in crafting traps and spend much of their time fortifying their lairs and surroundings with this devices. These surroundings are usually dark places like caverns and overgrown forests, perfect for ambushing opponents, as is the preferred kobold tactic.Kobold Ability Adjustments: +2 Dex, -4 Str, -2 Con Favored Class (Rogue): A multiclass kobold's sorcerer class does not count when determining whether he suffers an XP penalty for multiclassing.
Special Abilities:
- Small Stature: - +1 size bonus to attack rolls. - +1 size bonus to AC. - +4 size bonus to Hide checks. - Darkvision: Kobolds are able to see in the dark. - Skill Affinity (Search): +2 racial bonus to Search checks. - Skill Focus (Craft Trap): +2 bonus to Craft Trap checks. - Natural Armor Bonus: Racial natural armor bonus of 1. - Light Sensitivity: Kobolds suffer -2 penalty to attack rolls, saves and checks while operating in bright light. - Reptilian: Kobolds count as Reptilian for the purpose of spells. Racial feats: Darkvision Skill Affinity (Search) Skill Affinity (Craft Trap) Reptilian Humanoid Small Stature Natural Armor 1 Light Sensitivity
Viashino_wizard Additionally, they have the same speed as a human (30 feet as opposed to a halfling's 20)
Fast critters. But it makes no difference here since halflings, gnomes and dwarves all share the movement speed of humans in NwN. A little disadvantage removed.
Just to be clear, the favored class for both goblins and kobolds in EfU is Rogue because it's hardcoded. So kobolds don't have Favored Class: Sorcerer in EfU.
Also, goblins should be getting a +4 bonus to MS like Caddies said (check Races of Faerûn), instead of +2, so either Mort's source is wrong or it's scripted wrong in EfU or the EfU DMs have decided to gimp the bonus for some reason.
Mort - Skill Focus (Craft Trap): +2 bonus to Craft Trap checks.
I would just like to point out, that if kobolds get a bonus to Craft Trap, in the EfU multiverse they would be the most brilliant inventors around!
The bonus isn't gimped! Tested.