2006-02-15 07:38:52 UTC
I fully support your effort to bring help to the needy of Lower, yet sadly one of your supporters a woman known as Celistine (Very blond hair, claims to be a Paladin - though Ivandur says she is not) has been using your charity in a campaign to dodge a fine handed to her by the Tigereyes. Her crime was causing a riot in Lower by insulting a mob of people and since then she has been often seen slandering the Tigereyes.
Since she has been giving all her money to your noble efforts, I'd appreciate it if you could help the Tigereyes in collecting the sum of two thousand coins from her. She is a dangerous extremist, fond of hitting old men I warn you to be careful around her as she's quite mean spirited. I'd also suggest you distance yourself from her as soon as you can because she's already tarnished the image of Ivandur by invoking his name during the riots.
With best wishes,
-Terio Menthur of the Tigereyes.
2006-02-15 09:31:52 UTC
I care not for things like reputation, so you need not worry yourself about my image.
In regards to the coins, if I approach her on this matter I am certain I will only hear her place the blame on tigers. I'd prefer not to have to decide which one of you are lying and have to choose which one of you to help. I want to help both of you. So, why don't the three of us calmly and rationally sit down and discuss a solution that can be agreed on?
If you'll agree to meeting at the bottom, I am sure I can get her to consent.
Crying God Priest
2006-02-15 19:10:41 UTC
I urge you to speak to Ivandur about this fine, or some of your followers that saw the riots. It was this woman and there is no sides to it. She is a debtor and must pay her price. It is a shame to see her abusing your good nature as she has. We can speak more in person if you would wish, I'll be around the Fortress.
-Terio Menthur
2006-02-16 19:20:14 UTC
You have your coins. I expect that she will be allowed back into lower without any problem. I will speak with her and I am certain she will not cause anymore trouble. She listens to me, and had you been willing to simply sit and speak with her you would have seen this. I do not doubt she will make more mistakes in her life, she is young and will have to learn from them, but I see a kindness to her and a generosity that will grow into something remarkable.
You on the other hand...
You tell me you seek justice and then go about achieving it by stealing from the poor, the very people you claim to try to protect. I ask you, how have you protected them on this day? There is a voice in your heart that is telling you that what you did was a mistake. Look upon yourself and know truth. Decide at this very moment what kind of man you want to be and, when you are ready, come to me for your redemption.
Come to me for redemption. Come to me and you will be forgiven in the eyes of the infinate. This moment is greater then you or I, but you have been given the freedom to choose its direction. Come to me...or buy yourself an object with the coins of the poor and pretend that it brings you joy. Ultimately the choice is yours.
Crying God Priest