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*posted in the beacon*

*written in a childs hand beneath a crudly drawn sketch of Orwell is the following*

Orwell: Beacon Boxing Winner! (the Es akwardly backward)

The Beacon also thanks Hrug, Cadance, Yaot and VilVithna for their donations.

*a Large angry drunken hobgoblin putting note is made next to the post*

Oh Also Im hrug the guy who helped donate to the beacon. Recently Councilor fenwick told me goblins have to be escorted in order to be in the beacon. Because of the recent acts of other goblins rather than pursue othe goblins who are of another group of lesser kin outside of Sanctuary. You make a unfair rule despite ive posted and told the beacon even chief gruzzle told Jalana that these other lesser kin did this act not representing goblin town . I have to see if chief gruzzle really wanted the beacon lets just say there wouldnt be a beacon right now. I strongly suggest this rule be changed or I will personally tell chief gruzzle you slander the good name of his tribe and his kin. Also if this rule applys to me especially when I donated to your piss poor organisation Lets just say being a enforcer at goblin town I might make unfair rules against you idiots who made the rule.

Signed an Angry hobgoblin who loves his ale. PS Chief gruzzle has informed me these lesser kin who robed the beacon also abducted children in lower if you piss poor beacon men didnt know what chief gruzzle knew.

*this letter is posted publically, and attached to the letter above*


A terrible thing has happened to our community, not just an act of thievery, but an act of thievery from those who can afford it the least. The poor and destitute of Sanctuary have been robbed, and it is natural for people to respond with extreme measures, distrust, and fear. This may not be the best way, but it is natural when an act brings up such strong emotions.

If anyone has any knowledge of the group that committed this crime, I would gladly pay for knowledge leading to the culprits. If the residents of goblintown have information on these thieves, I encourage them to come forward as a sign of good faith and tell us what they know. Of course, if the culprits could be found by you, Hrug, or any other resident of goblin town, it would go a long way towards redeeming the entire goblinkin population in the eyes of the public.


Elias Brock The Beacon

I believe ive responded the culprists live outside Sanctuary and outside goblin town. I also say that how do you know the people who robed the beacon could afford it? Ive seen plenty of my kin wearing rags and reduced to eating rats while you beaconers choke on rothe stew. Also some are to scared to ask humans for help cause all you people do is beat us to the floor and get away with it or worse I was blackmailed by a power individual to pay him every ten day or die. So yes its likely those who stole it maybe cant afford it. Also how is goblin town supposed to know about what goblins do outside sanctuary? Mr elias asking us what another group of my kin do outside Sanctuary is asking you what the current affaird are in comyr at this instant.

From Hrug

To Whom it May Concern:

Perhaps I wasn't clear.

I am issuing a bounty for information that leads to the apprehension of the criminals that stole from the Beacon. This bounty will be 200 gold coins, if the goblin tribe is successfully located. This offer is open to anyone, and not just Hrug or goblin town, though I meant for them to receive the offer first, as they are receiving the blame in the minds of many.

This bounty will be paid out of my own pockets, as the Beacon barely has enough money to maintain a modest stew pot for the hungry of Sanctuary.


Elias Brock The Beacon