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Contagion/ Poison: On Hit

Could the spells be adjusted so they may be used on weapons? Probably would need some readjusting of the DC, but as of now I find the spells very useless in Player versus Enviroment.

is this because of it being a touch attack and therefore provoking AoOs?

There is a full blown poisoning system already in place, on top of the bioware weapon poisoning system. Those spells are for directly afflicting your opponent.

chezcaliente is this because of it being a touch attack and therefore provoking AoOs?
No, not really. That can be countered through Defensive Casting. I was merely arguing that the spell is, to my knowledge, underused, and probably quite infeffectient in PvE/ PvP. I am not arguing for its use in roleplay, however. I merely wish to see the spells used for a change, and in different ways if possible.

Fair enough. I also don't see contagion being a particularly useful spell in PvE, as often by the time the disease has any effect on the target after the incubation period, someone else has already hacked it to bits with a melee weapon.