To think a DM thought so much of a persons application or RP abilities to grant them a were-cat race, and here they are wasting it to win some cash in a bar brawl. Well, needless to say i was pissed so i dropped some poison on it, maggot infestation, and topped it with disease just to watch it die. Incredibally off-topic. BUt the point is that DMs dont just hand out special classes/races unless yur on the good-kid list. My advice is learn something abou these goblins and write a good application.
Let me try and understand this... you decided to attack a were-cat PC because you were angry about not getting an application passed, and this player did? Pardon me, but that's a terrible reason, and in my opinion both meta-gaming AND griefing at the same time. I do hope I misunderstood you about what transpired.
Small note on lycanthropes too:
Lycanthropes are in a testing stage right now, and are not handed out lightly at ALL. I've spoken at length with a DM about potentially playing one, but altered the very concept into my goblin application instead. The point of me mentioning this is that you MUST earn the DM's trust that you will not exploit your bonuses, and you also must have a water-tight application.
About the good kid list thing:
Well, sort of. But I don't even think that's worth mentioning. I've seen a player who's first character was a drow. Another who's first was a goblin. People the DMs had never talked to before. You don't have to be on this "good kid list" or whatever.
I suck at applications, just straight up. But here are some quick bits of advice from those that are better than me, and I have found to help.
1. Talk about your application with your fellow players. IRC is the BEST way to do this. Everything has been done before, ask about it.
2. When you've got some good things down, then ask a DM to take a moment to talk about your concept.
3. Correct if necessary, then take it back to a DM.
4. Proof-read. Make sure you have everything correct; spelling, grammar, etc.
5. Hit send! Check back in one week in IRC, channel #efuapps.
As I've noted many times now, IRC is a integral part of making application writing and earning an easy and successful process. For those of you who don't use IRC, I STRONGLY RECCOMMEND getting it, if only for easing application writing. But it's also a great place to make fun of Kotenku and socialize. And it's always nice knowing that, come hell or high water, Snoteye will be idling in IRC.