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Hate/Love relationship

So! When do you guys feel connected to EfU in such a way that you either H8 or<3 it.

# When I'm in the Fugue late at night,

# When I'm in my bed, late at night,

# When EfU's reached his player limit, late at night,

# Late at night,

# When I'm going camping,

# When I get back from camping, but first have to unpack my stuff,

# When Wiggyboy tries to own your group, but fails, forgetting to remove the speshul loot he dropped. No death, no pain, no gain! 8) #When Wiggyboy tries to own me, but fails; sending me a tell saying I'm such a looted-out whore.

#When DMs spice quests.

#When DMs don't spice quests.

#Moderate spice.

#When Sherry turns on disco music,

#When Sherry dances on his own music,

#When Snoteye logs in,

# When Snoteye logs out, dead,

# When Metropakt goes heavy-metal style, and drops epic loot in the rush of the moment

#When he goes "Fuck."

# When Canzah makes another Lower pimp - - Starts a riot

# When I'm eating a McFlurry M&M, secretly working out my new, pretty hawt concept.

Truth told, EfU and I got a thing for each other. EfU never bites, never disappoints, and never shuns you away. And that's because of you guys!

Yes! You! All of you, who turned EfU into a great society. Now, return EfU the favor and tell him what you love & hate so much about her, so he can; in the future, satisfy our needs at an even more epic scale.

Efu is better than sex.

[Edit:] At least the kind involving a Dominatrix.

    Watching a giant chest skim around the Last Stand at super speeds
    Interviewing people and smiling smugly as I twist there words
    laying and suddenly realising it's morning and I have University in 25 minutes
    When Illuminaughty tries to assasinate one of my characters with a giant green frothing pint of ale that is burning through the mug
    Walking in the underdark and having deep lizards spawn on top of you
    Getting XP for acting like a total, total bastard
    When the DM's set up the stocks to pelt people with rotten fruit, and within 5 minutes someone is in the stock. For running round sanctuary throwing rotten fruit at everyone.
    Getting random tells off random people saying EEEEEEVIL and Eb0l!!! (Wern8 I'm looking at you)

+ When I verbally abuse people

+ When I physically abuse people

+ When I abuse people with spells

+ When I abuse people with my Club

+ When I abuse my power

+ When I abuse my prisoners

+ When I get called over by Officer Barkley who complains of my abusing

+ When Officer Barkely transfers responsability of me to other Agents, because he is sick of dealing with people who claim to be abused by me.

+ When the new Agent can't be arsed if I abuse people.

+ I get to abuse people more often, *and* take excessive amounts of money from them.

+ When I order Spellguard Associates to abuse people because I can't spare the time for it.

My love-moments.

I love EFU (especially the spellguard)When I am able to do the following:



Tent fingers, Mr. Burns style.

Kill people in public with little/no punishment

When I get to order privates around.

When I am able to send a tell to someone consisting of "[twirls evil mustache]" or ":D"

When I receive tells of "...you're such a bastard. I love you.", "Dirty Spellguard, I'll kill you.", "I'm looking to join the spellguard, any tips you can give?"

When I'm able to emote/speak through my familliar using voice commands, leading to interesting conversations.

When I see that sweet, sweet, RP XP bonus from a DM.

When I am able to order around NPCs.

When I am able to interact with a PC.

When I am able to intimidate people using the spellguard reputation


$ Helping to resurrect a dead god.

$ Having to sneak out of the Sewers because the whole city wants you dead.

$ Starting a character in some crazy cult (see above. Anthee, I'm looking at you, pal)

$ Being interrogated by a Spellguard Agent (Bastards, all of them :) ).

$ Following someone around the Underdark unnoticed.

$ Getting pwnd by a half-orc just for being a buxom elven lass

$ Being recruited by the Watch despite being a red-skinned, fur-covered tiefling.


~ Thinking about EfU at work.

~ Thinking about EfU while not at work.

~ Dreaming about EfU.

~ Getting pwnd every time I enter into PvP.

~ Waking up and immediately checking the forums.

[EDIT] ~ Poor grammar on the forums. I mean seriously, reading some peoples' posts makes me have to take an aspirin.

Love: BAshing a hobgoblin for selling an item -I- wanted Hate: having half the town chase me afterword Love: Having a two headed troll skeleton go after your Orcus cleric Hate: dying Love: Being told I am improved on my RP A lot Hate: when I have no idea how Love: Being included in plots Hate: not being able to come up with my own Love: playing for 24 hrs straight hate: When I collapse and wake up seeing it is 6:00pm Love: Finally getting to lvl 7 Hate: when you die 10 minutes later from a crit for a skeleton archer ((WIGGY I AM LOOKING AT YOU)) Love: When a dm helps me almost blow up a temple. Hate: When the Spellguard don't follow through Love: Cheating people out of there potions Hate: Having all 27 of them stolen later Love: EFU Hate: Not being able to concentrate Love: Applying for sub-races Hate: not being accepted


+ My EfU babies

+ Cupcakes

+ Cupcakes and EfU

+ Giving out hawt treasure in the middle of the night

+ Trying to kill cluckyx with poisoned ale

+ NPCs with really long names

+ Giving my DM avatar hawt treasure

+ Making hawt treasure

+ Secret Treasure Island (W/fish eating ogres)


- Not being paid to play EfU night and day

- Licorice.. I mean seriously.. Ick.

Love: Played 50 charctors Hate: 47 of them are dead.

Love Playing EFU Hate-being under 18 and not legal owning the computer so I have to get off.

Love being evil working with evil people as I kill luagh spread debauchery and kill while the watch dosent know a thing.

Hate Someone finally getting revenge after I killed because someone wanted mt to.

Love gaining exp and getting close to lvl 5 hate I die and have to start gaining xp all over.

Love having my hobgoblin app accepted. Hate Not being able to go to upper

Hate people making fun of hrug and saying because hes a monster he shouldnt be in town. Love Helping my friend who works with the temple of hoar beat her up and have her judged hoaran vigilante style.

Love selling and gaining money and very rich. Hate-nothing to spend it on.

Love Getting a cool item and selling it Hate a greedy half orc beats me up (looks at thomas.)

Love-Smacking a child in public who was lieing and annoying hrug at the temple of ibrandul Hate-everyone chasting me to goblin town and swinging weapons when he just slaped a bad kid.

Love Drinking alot of ale and being a drunken hobgoblin Hate-everyone saying he smells bad and calling him drunk when he sometimes isnt.

Love Being friends with dugbone who is preist of goblin town and tough goblin. Hate Hrug and dug are the only tribL goblin pcs.

Love being the first drunken hobgoblin. Hate Chieften dosent listen to my plans and tells hrug to just be like most hobs and go get drunk and fight.

Love eating a dead were rat Hate-everyone telling hrug what he did was grose..

Love-having 5000 gold on my head Hate- when the watch/seekers won't take me on there expeditions cause I have a bounty on my head Love-beating a hobgoblin up in public hate being chased as a result Love-Cheating Ix and her group out of 3000 gold(Snickers) hate- not having anything to spend it on Love- going into deep areas hate-when a -MUSHROOM- Kills me