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Blood Frenzy

Description: The caster enters a rage similar to that of a Barbarian. The caster gains a +2 bonus to Constitution and Strength and a +1 bonus to Will saves, while suffering a -1 penalty to armor class. Duration is 1 round/level.

2nd level druid spell Blood Frenzy seems little useless as it is now, mainly because of it's low duration.

My suggestion is to make it affect animal companions and maybe summons as well, instead of just caster.

Even worse is that the Orc domain has this spell as a 3rd circle bonus spell, while Prayer is a 2nd level spell for the domain (what?!). It's not a useless spell, but it's useless enough that no one will ever memorize it. I brought this up some time ago, actually, and the DM who responded apparently disagreed with me about the spell's usefulness, but I haven't changed my mind.

So far, I haven't seen this spell cast on any NWN server I've ever played on.

A 5th level wizard could throw someone into a 30 second rage. Not all too bad, but I would imagine a 5 minute rage might be a bit more believable. At least a respectable length of time for a decent action movie fight scene.

Perhaps doubling the duration would serve well enough though, especially considering this 2nd level spell is only slightly more powerful than a 1st level bless which enchants an entire party for a longer duration, without the penalties, but with a slightly reduced benefit (no bonus hp or damage, but no Will or AC penatlies either)

Vendayan A 5th level wizard could throw someone into a 30 second rage. Not all too bad, but I would imagine a 5 minute rage might be a bit more believable. At least a respectable length of time for a decent action movie fight scene.

Perhaps doubling the duration would serve well enough though, especially considering this 2nd level spell is only slightly more powerful than a 1st level bless which enchants an entire party for a longer duration, without the penalties, but with a slightly reduced benefit (no bonus hp or damage, but no Will or AC penatlies either)

The spell is a druid spell, so wizards don't have access to it and comparing it to a cleric spell isn't really worthwhile. Also, it's caster only, so you can't target your party members.

Bah sorry, I have a mild habit of using the words "wizard" and "caster" as exclusive synonyms. Let me rephrase it then to say that a druid sending his self into this sort of a 30 second rage at L5 with a 2nd level spell is a pathetic feat compared to a L1 cleric using a L1 spell to give a comparable effect to his/her entire party.

Increasing the duration is a good suggestion. Though not so much as to completely overshadow the full effects of barbarian rage. A slightly longer duration due to it's magical sustainment might be fair, but changing it to 1 minute/lvl might be overkill. Doubling it to 2 rounds/lvl should be more fair, though still underpowered next to bless.

It stacks with bulls and other forms of strength enhancement. I wouldn't call that useless at all.

What's so special about the stacking? There are very few buff spells that don't stack with others. Those would include mostly AC-enhancing buffs anyways.

It's still a second level buff spell with relatively weak effects coupled with a ridiculously short duration and a noteworthy drawback.

It has its place mostly as a potion I admit, but I could see it even as a spell in the pre-obliterate buffing line-up.

(I don't recall why we decided to stick it in a level 3 slot, that does seem a little high, but it's too late to change it).

Maybe the spell could be adjusted, I wasn't saying it shouldn't be - mostly disputing that it's completely worthless.

Maybe have the charisma bonus add up to it like the barbarian rage?, still +2 str but +charisma mod.

That could be interesting and its a small change.

Let me just say that as a 2/day item, Blood Frenzy is awesome.


*coughs* Deputyshowingoff *coughs* :cry:

I think the spell as a potion or item is "ok", the only thing is to motivate caster to take it as a slot. You wouldn't sacrifice another 2nd level or 3rd level spell for it me thinks

I'd be for making it two rounds/level myself.

It's definitely not useless, I used to use it to buff my strength up to around 30.

But.. Eventually, I didn't need it.

Soo.. would it be bad idea to let it affect summons and animal companions as well?

I don't think it has anything to do with buffing your companions, it's a spell induced rage on yourself. Two rounds/level sounds pretty reasonable a change to me, I love the spell whenever I can find items that have some uses of it.

I'd definitely use this spell if I had it with a cleric, and think it's useful enough as is.

It's fine for what it is.