Is it possible for the player corpse to "Stay" after the player logged? I mean, I kinda would like to animate the corpses (When This becomes possible) and I hate to have the player wait in the fugue till I manage to get the corpse to a safe spot until I do.
Player corpses after logging
Many things would make this problematic. Primarily players logging back into quest areas after dying, perhaps when another party is inside.
I mean with the title (Player corpse) and if they PC should log back in, they won't be able to Hijack that corpse again, if ya gonna log in the fugue, then why are ya gonna bother with that corpse? Oh yea, maybe a dm could tag the corpse so It can be rezed etc...
Vendayan has it, this would cause havoc.
How about once a player logs off in the fugue, when they return they no longer have the option to respawn at their corpse and can only respawn in the mausolem? I can see this creating good RP possibilities such as BRING AAAAHT YA DEAD! and such. Maybe actually being able to have proper burials and such.
The only downside I can see is corpse items just lagging the server.
This doesn't take into account the times when a person crashes.
Grant you that Ruza.
Out of curiosity, perhaps Arkov would know if it's possible to detect if a player leaves via a timeout or by sending a quit message. At the very least perhaps on a crash the player might be allowed to respawn at a safe location after a crash so long as it's done before the next reset.
The other problem with leaving corpse objects to be raised as undead is, and will always be, that the player might log back in after the necromancer logs out, wherein the player will be running about business as usual. Not knowing what happened the player can't be expected to know that he was effectively permaed by that method. Therefore he would be running about town being seen and intereacting with dozens of other players who would see him and likely recall it until either a DM catches him to let him know the character was permaed, or until he meets his risen self for a very awkward situation.
You can never perma a PC who doesn't know not to log back in. It just wouldn't work. There is no way around this at all.