2007-03-30 16:53:45 UTC
Mulciber instructs one of the Embassy kobolds to read the following message to Lord Bunge in his native language:
Great and noble Lord Bunge,The Shadow Tribe wishes to extend to you an invitation to live amongst your kin. As it stands, the ‘Monstrous Species’ legislation means that entering the city can be an extremely dangerous undertaking for you and your fellow merchants. If you work for the Embassy and sell your wares in their name, you will be given a pass allowing you to walk freely in the settlement. Spiders, orogs, and other beasts have been known to prowl the area near the gates. If you join us, you will be afforded the same protection that is given to all members. In time, your wares may find markets in Mur and beyond.
If this interests you, please convey your thoughts to me or write a letter to the Embassy.
2007-04-12 05:50:38 UTC
Mulciber sends another kobold to deliver a similar message.
2007-04-18 04:02:53 UTC
[an impatient Mulciber delivers the note himself]
2007-04-19 12:36:09 UTC
[Lord Bunge squints at the letters before kicking his servant in the face to wake him up so he can read the words, then orders him to pen a scratchy reply]
Not know who you be. Not hear much of Embassy, but maybe sounds good. Great Lord Bunge needs many more great items to sell, and many more kinds to buy. Lord Bunge not be slave to no one, he is a great Lord! Must be able have freedom! Great Lord Bunge also need know he can trust Embassy man. Great Lord Bunge have scalekin might be in trouble after big drow wars in drow city. You come see Lord Bunge and he tell you what to do to maybe save them. If help, maybe he trust! Yip!
2007-04-30 02:28:22 UTC
[Lord Bunge brutally stomps another servant while it sleeps so it can deliver the following message to Mulciber:]
Lord Bunge is wondering if him still Exile. Is think not allowed in human city until him not Exile no more. Lord Bunge also hear word from drow city and has plan in him head how to rescue his kobold friends. Lord Bunge send you to help them then he trusts you. Yip!
2007-05-05 07:15:22 UTC
These things take time, my friend. We will speak soon.
Emissary Atramentous
2007-05-10 08:57:29 UTC
//I should be free between 10-4 EST friday if that works for you. It may take some time to rally the troops.
2007-05-22 12:32:40 UTC
Big friend Great Lord Bunge,
Is Ambassador Quarix Gaptooth of Shadow Tribe here. My emissary has asked me if I could help with all this, and of course Ambassador Quarix Gaptooth can. Is why he's coming to speak with you soon and hear about your plan. If big good plan, will rally best suited men for cunning trick and help rescue your tribe of dark Elves.
Quarix Gaptooth, Ambassador of
Great Shadow, Master and Protector of Sanctuary
// If you like, we can set up a meeting. Just PM me on my forum account, drop me a tell on IRC (Kroffz) or just find me IG.