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A letter to Fenwick

As per your request, the legalities supporting of the separation.

This is my own personal opinion, as you requested my advice, and not the belief of the acting spellguard body.

Crime against Upper will drop rampantly.

Crime against Watchman and other agents of the city will drop rampantly.

- Agent Hausken


I guess there was a misunderstanding. What I asked you for was the legal reason behind such seperation-- Such as a breach of good faith, or the breaking of a trust or agreement.

Upper and Lower are currently joined, and there is a legal obligation by Upper to support Lower. This is all laid out in the Elient Accord.

If Lower has broken this accord, or there is some other legal reason why it should not be followed, then I would have to follow the law, and agree with such an argument.

To my knowledge, the Accord still stands. I asked you for your advice, and any legal argument you may have, because I am sure that your experiances and resources are very different from mine.

You did speek quite a bit of wisdom when you were in my office, and I appriciate your input. It is greatly appriciated, and I look forward to any advice you may give me in the future.
