2007-03-27 09:45:04 UTC
Good sir Knight,
I wish to congratulate you in your victory this eve in melee combat against a man who has spent many years of his life behind a book.
Next time, as per your request, I will not dishonor you by not rendering you incapacitated, removing your flesh slowly, and feeding scraps of you to my pet dragon.
Should you wish to keep the offer of wanton chaos in the streets, for the sake of realistic combat, to test our mettle, I give you my word that I shall not see you taken into custody and should you be by any other, I will see you released and compensated, nor that your life ended. Should you pray hard enough to the god you serve, perhaps you will sense my presence moments before you lay face down in a pool of your own blood.
Of course, if you do not wish such encounter, simply leave me word at the Last stand, neutral ground, and we shall continue our philosophical discussion on Compassion.
Should you not respond, I'll assume you prepare for our next meeting with bloodshed.
The choice is yours.
Best regards,
-Agent Hausken
2007-03-27 11:05:43 UTC
Agent Hausken,
I'm determined to convince you that justice is the path to salvation, and if you prefer to feel justice's cold grip in person, I'm not one to back from such a request. I ask the following:
* What are the terms of combat?
* What's stopping the Watch from interfering?
* Is this legally acceptable by the bounds of law? Far as I know, if we're to duel in the city, it needs to be in the arena. I don't want a case on either of our behinds. -- Well actually, I can't say that I don't mind a case on yours. I lied.
* No innocent men, women or children are to be harmed.
* This will not be to the death. Certainly I can't say I like you, but I don't like you enough to warrant your death. That can wait for another time, should you ever decide that salvation is your damnation.
Until these inquiries are resolved, this event will not occur.
-The Knight Sercer
2007-03-27 16:58:21 UTC
[A reply is sent]
As a researcher and an indivual who prefers to avoid violence, I am concerned slightly for your adamant stance to administer me "Justice" with cold hard steel though you know little to nothing of me. I suppose such is your Knightly charge, though.
Should you still wish to learn of what my "Sin" is, and how you can "Save" me from this bloody damnation you preach to me of regularly, After our test of skill I will discuss such with you.
As I said in my note, I will not see you killed, and should the watch interfere, I will see to it that you are quickly released and compensated. We are simply doing this to enhance our philosophical debate, no need to involve others.
In regards to the lawfulness, if such would make you feel safer from the cold arm from the law, or rather- More just in your actions, I'm sure I can make up false charges.
Oh wait- You said such would be dishonorable.
Seems you'll have to choose "salvation" of myself and duties to your god or purity of your name in the eyes of the law.
-Agent Hausken
P.S. For a man who vouches staunch honor, the fact that you admit the fact that you have lied to me troubles me greatly. I was under the impression your ilk looked very heavily upon lies, yet you willingly and smugly do such.
2007-03-28 05:52:57 UTC
Remember, Agent, you're the one that asked for this arrangement. However, if you insist a simple sit-down after that embarrassing defeat earlier, that is perfectly fine with me.
I look forward to our philosophical discussion on "compassion."
-The Knight Sercer
P.S. Even an Agent of the venerated Spellguard should be able to identify sarcasm, especially in writing.