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Councilor Highill


I wish to inform you that a man named Guardian Smythe of House Archibald has broken contract and seeks to cheat the tribe of payment for a service that we provided.

Also, this man claims that he will brand the tribe as thieves and liars and become yet another snake attempting to turn Sanctuary against us.

We wish only 650 coin as negotiated to resolve this. Perhaps you can talk sense into the Lord of this House? This man Smythe is not worthy of your words, although it seems that he is the dog they send to bark outside of their walls.

It is alarming that one will make verbal contract, then attempt to twist it and say it has not happened, yes? As a merchant you know the value of a man's word in dealings of business. Any help you can provide to clarify this might prevent this dog from attacking my honor or my person.

Andrei of the Tribe of the Blade Eighth Rank

*a letter is dropped off by a smallish, trim man in a yellow and green tunic with shoulder-length hair*


The large contract that you have asked me to inform you of has borne fruit. It seems those you seek will be coming to Sanctuary, and need to know where you wish them to be situated.

Find me or send a letter when you have come up with this location, and it will be relayed.

Also, the recent contract we have spoken of is not acceptable to the high ranks. I will have a counter proposal prepared for you when next we meet, or I can send another letter outlining it.

My research into creation into the product you seek has met with some success. I am confident that this will occur soon, and you will be informed when this is attainable.

As ever, I am honored to represent the tribe and work with a great man such as yourself in these things. I wish for you the light of Selune light your paths, and the sight of Savras to choose the right one.

Andrei Eighth Rank

Dear mister Andrei

I would prefer a personal meeting about these matters.

Yours Faithfully

Frum Highill