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A letter dropped off at the Spellguard [DM or PC]

The letter is written in a flowing, elegant script

To: The Order of the Spellguard Mages From: Yuiceus Daheron Date: Nightal 9th, Year 151 of our founding Subject: Registration Dear Sir or Madam

I write this letter to you to inform the Order of my spellcasting abilities and to request a small time in your busy schedule to register to use these powers. I realise the Order is busy hunting down the filthy, miserable, rodent-like, Ubel scum beneath Lower Sanctuary, but I am quite sure five minutes will not save the life of one of those rats.

If an Agent has further time, I would also like to discuss enrolment into the Order's ranks. Kindly address any replies to the Last Stand Inn.

May Sanctuary prosper and remain safe for a hundred years to come.

Yours sincerely, Yuiceus Daheron

[The letter is recieved by Agent Hausken]