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Is a trident a spear?

Obviously not, but as fare as weapon focus and spec goes, is a trident considered a spear?

Pretty sure you don't need to go to a DM for this but yeah, as far as all that stuffs concerned, a trident is a spear.

(but cooler).

- Nuke

Apologies, I am not a DM. But You can not be proficient in Tridents

Edit by Caddies: The trident is treated by the game engine as a spear. Therefore, you -can- become proficient with the trident by simply taking the relevant feats for the spear. Please do not post in someone else's thread despite actually knowing the rules of this forum again.

Maybe this has changed (somehow) but the last time I tested this, despite taking weapon focus: spear, a PC got no extra attack bonus with a trident. I fear my fellow DMs may be mistaken!

They are mistaken. Weapon Focus: Spear/Weapon Spec: Spear will not help you if you use a trident.

I am so silly.
