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Monsters and invis

Some monsters seem to be able to stay 'honed' on someone after they invis, a goblin chased me all through the underdark shoot me with a bow, while I was invis. And a similar problem with a dire spider. I don't think it's monster specific.

I think this is a known, irrepairable issue.

I've never had it happen until just recently, maybe I've just been lucky

Happened to me more then twice, but I think if one hides they stop.

Perhaps a dm can help us check it out, and post it?

I think this may have something to do with the new AI making listen checks on invisible hostile creatures, though I'm not 100%.

Happened to me more then twice, but I think if one hides they stop.

If you can get successfully around a corner, and then make a successful stealth check against them, then you can lose them. It ain't easy... just had an Ogre Bandit chase me in the mines while I was invisible, and I had to circle the tunnels twice before I lost him.

Even with my wizard I managed to drink invis and hit "stealth" key. Guess what? The goblins stopped...

alogen Even with my wizard I managed to drink invis and hit "stealth" key. Guess what? The goblins stopped...

I guess hitting a "stealth" key triggered "Listen/Spot" skill check which goblin obviously failed.

Maybe forcing such check for all "Current attackers" of PC (in combination with NPC attackers moving to last known position with normal subsequent checks) at invis potion script will solve the problem?

wcsherry I think this may have something to do with the new AI making listen checks on invisible hostile creatures, though I'm not 100%.

I dunno but it seems the listen checks might be a little too accurate. They hone in on you nomatter how far across the screen you go. That doesn't seem in-line with how easy it is to locate someone invisible.

And do PC's get listen checks against other invis PC/NPC? I have like 20 listen and I don't think I've ever heard an invisible creature/PC.

I dunno but it seems the listen checks might be a little too accurate. They hone in on you nomatter how far across the screen you go.

Agreed. I had a goblin chieftain chase my scout all over Ssaal'teesh. I drank invisibility after he initially spotted me, went around tons of obstacles seperating himself and myself, finally used "expeditious retreat" to get to the other side of the map, exited stealth, drank another invisibility and went stealth again when out of visible range, and he still came trampsing over to my side of the map as if he knew where I was. Although a bit metagaming, I finally led him to the Shadow Tribe camp, to the waiting arms of blood-thirsty kobolds, thinking it a bit ridiculous he was still on my tail.

I had another experience with this. It seems if someone is invisble, and stealthed, the creature does not check your hide, only your listen. I might be wrong, but my experience with using both together (both times resulting in death mind you), seems to imply that stealth+invis do not function properly together. Drinking an invis potion should not make it easier to be attacked.

I had a expierience my mage was getting his but wooped by bats in dunwarren when I went invisible they still chased him and pwned him.

I had a expierience my mage was getting his but wooped by bats in dunwarren when I went invisible they still chased him and pwned him.

Makes sense, actually. Bats can use echolocation to "see". (But, somehow, I don't think the game mechanic actually accounts for that... :P)

Yes, you can make listen checks on invisible people using your listen ranks on EFU.

No, it's a bug (mostly). Note that many monsters in EfU -do- have true seeing (umber hulks, etc.) however most situations in which NPCs attack invisible PCs is a bug that I believe is caused by a bioware issue in which the attack action queue is not broken if the NPC does not perceive you actually drink the invisibility potion. Drinking another invis or jumping into stealth can sometimes fix it.

It's possible that with new AI monsters are also too aggressive about attacking invis PCs, I haven't tested it in detail but I would also consider this a bug. More feedback would be great.


It's possible that with new AI monsters are also too aggressive about attacking invis PCs, I haven't tested it in detail but I would also consider this a bug. More feedback would be great.

That seems to be what I think. I never had a significant problem with this until I heard there was some new AI engine for NPC's. Never had an NPC attack me invis at all until then, aside from ones that could see through invis.