2005-10-04 20:59:43 UTC
Doing rebalancing on these anyway, so if anyone cares to offer some suggestions of more Underdark themed critters. Go ahead.
Currently Proposed Set
Bat - Stays (rebalanced)
Imp - Stays (rebalanced)
Hellhound - Stays (rebalanced)
Wyrmling Deep Dragon - Replacing Pseudodragon
Fire Mephit - Stays (rebalanced)
Ice Mephit - Stay(rebalanced)
Eyeball - Stay(rebalanced)
Intellect Devourer - Replacing Panther
Air Mephit - Replacing Pixie
Ooze Mephit - Replacing Faerie Dragon
Wisp - Replacing Raven
2005-10-07 16:52:43 UTC
Would be nice to have Roathe in there somewhere. :)
Or rather, maybe that would fit better for an underdark animal companion?
2005-10-07 17:05:38 UTC
Just make sure there are still some options for good characters. It looks like you are removing all the "good" familiars.
2005-10-07 17:21:30 UTC
At current count we've got 1 Good, 6 Neutrals, and 4 Evils. So a few more options for evil, though good's option has an ultra unique (albeit not excessively powerful) feature to it, which I'm sure all the evil will complain about :P
If you scroll up slightly, you can see that Rothe got put in companions. (All companions are TN).
Jhagar Stradholme
2005-10-28 12:43:15 UTC
Looking very good, although there's a lack of suitable familiars for lawful neutral characters. Using familiars one step away from their alignment, they have access to nothing but the evil imp and the screecher bat. I miss the true neutral raven familiar, although I see why it wouldn't be appropriate to use it in the Underdark setting.
Adding another true neutral familiar would be good.
Mr. Cheez-It
2005-10-28 16:27:13 UTC
Though a good guideline for roleplaying with a familiar, there is no concrete rule stating they need to be a certain alignment. Since the choices are limited for some alignments, use your best judgment in selecting one that would share some common traits with your character's personality.