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Underdark Familiars

Doing rebalancing on these anyway, so if anyone cares to offer some suggestions of more Underdark themed critters. Go ahead.

Currently Proposed Set Bat - Stays (rebalanced) Imp - Stays (rebalanced) Hellhound - Stays (rebalanced) Wyrmling Deep Dragon - Replacing Pseudodragon Fire Mephit - Stays (rebalanced) Ice Mephit - Stay(rebalanced) Eyeball - Stay(rebalanced) Intellect Devourer - Replacing Panther Air Mephit - Replacing Pixie Ooze Mephit - Replacing Faerie Dragon Wisp - Replacing Raven

Would be nice to have Roathe in there somewhere. :)

Or rather, maybe that would fit better for an underdark animal companion?

Just make sure there are still some options for good characters. It looks like you are removing all the "good" familiars.


At current count we've got 1 Good, 6 Neutrals, and 4 Evils. So a few more options for evil, though good's option has an ultra unique (albeit not excessively powerful) feature to it, which I'm sure all the evil will complain about :P

If you scroll up slightly, you can see that Rothe got put in companions. (All companions are TN).

Looking very good, although there's a lack of suitable familiars for lawful neutral characters. Using familiars one step away from their alignment, they have access to nothing but the evil imp and the screecher bat. I miss the true neutral raven familiar, although I see why it wouldn't be appropriate to use it in the Underdark setting.

Adding another true neutral familiar would be good.

Though a good guideline for roleplaying with a familiar, there is no concrete rule stating they need to be a certain alignment. Since the choices are limited for some alignments, use your best judgment in selecting one that would share some common traits with your character's personality.