Citizens of Sanctuary!
The rebels from Sewer Town have attempted to destroy all that each of us has worked so hard building and defending. The Watch, Spellguard, and honorable citizens contributed to the crushing the insurgency, but only at a significant loss. During these tendark of battles, a score of Watchmen, Agents, and Deputies have fell in combat. Consequently, a number of controlled items have fell into the hands of private citizens.
I humbly ask each of you to provide any Watch/Spellguard equipment or information pertaining on where to find watch/spellguard equipment to the Watch House. This equipment, in the wrong hands, could pose an internal threat to the Wellbeing of Sanctuary. The Watch asks each of you to continue to be vigilant and assist the Watch and Spellguard in the procurement of such items.
*signed* Haren De’votell, Private Sanctuary Watch
P.S. A reward will be provided to the individual(s) to return a Wickedly Spiked Club and a Rapier with a gold handle, and Lord De’tourmont’s name on it. These weapons were lost during the initial invasion by insurgent looters and would very much like to see them returned.