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Stepping Out

Well all, its been a fine trip on EfU. I've enjoyed it right up to the end but now I need to at least step outside for a little while. I get the feeling my expectations of how EfU should play out is growing out of step with the rest of the community.

I've certainly enjoyed many fine stories and players and I hope it was reciprocal which makes me loath to say this is permanent choice.

Thanks go to so many guys its tough to list:

Howland, you made a fine kick ass server. The epic feel of the first DM quest I got here really kept me hooked through a year and a half.

Arkov, you've got brilliant mad skills making up background stories. Kudos to you by far.

Metropakt, loved the quests and interactions and just the chummy way you'ld chat and shoot the breeze in IRC with me.

DeputyCool; you know I'll be seeing you.

DruQks, I'd marry you if you weren't so ugly. I can not eat at Benito's Pizza Parlor without remember Delgado attack and throttle a deep pig with his bare hands.

Meldread, you're a great minion who made playing Dungal infinitly more fun back in the day.

Prestonhunt, as always its been fun. I never had a dull interaction between our characters and if you were in an opposing side or faction I always knew I'd have fun.

SongofOrpheus, I've said it before but thanks again for the personal attention. The Flame of the Caliphate was by far actually my favorite plot line even though it was just me and you.

Illuminaughty, just nice to see those little roleplay touches you put on things. Any time you logged in, the world got a little more life breathed into it.

And to all the rest who made quests fun, pvp conflict intriguing and meaningful, who kept me laughing and sometimes screaming at my monitor when things got really intense or entertaining.

When you get back, I promise to drop whatever concept I happen to putzing around with, and immediately set one up for the two of us to rock some more face.


Take care!


Have fun in whatever you do Oro. The server will be darker for your absence.

Fawkes was simply amazing, and it was great to spend that short time plotting with you in the watch.

Best of luck


Wow. I can easily say that in my year on this server, I have often looked to your play as an example of how to do things right. The server will miss your RP, and the forums will miss your insights into how to be a proper D&D nerd.

May your arrow fly straight and true.

You'll certainly be missed. Ever so slowly trying to turn Fawkes to Bane with Edmund and Lucius' efforts to uncover and destroy Barrister's network of informants to protect the Cult were some of the most interesting things I've done here.

I think some of the best EfU players come from Michigan. 8)

I can honestly say, Oroborous, that having you around, has always been fantastic. Seeing you in action has seriously raised the bar for me, and has set me to strive for being a better player. I figure I've still got a long way to go, but I want you to know that I've looked up to you and your characters, and tried my best to take a page and improve my skills.

One of my biggest regrets is that I didn't get to play with your characters more often, most often being on opposing sides than not; but my (two? three?) experiences with Fawkes alone, take a place as some of the single most intense and interesting roleplay experiences I've had in the four years I've been playing NWN for.

You'll be missed, Oro. Don't stay gone too long.

Everyones leaving!!!!!!! ! ! ! ! ! ! !! ! ! !! continued on page 56

Sorry to hear you're taking a break, although I completely understand. We all need breaks from time to time to recharge ourselves. I didn't have much time to deal with Fawkes, but the interactions we had were awesome and memorable.

I look forward to seeing you on EfU again someday soon. You're hands down one of the best players we have had on the server and will be missed.

Was nice rping with you Oro specially with Sheriff Fawkes Had some great kickass rp with him.

Take care Oro; it was always engaging to play with and DM for you.

Best of luck on your next endeavour.

When I think of the players who have been with the server since day one, and of the people who have really helped foster some of the most amazing interactions and stories ever told in the NWN community, I can't help but think of Oroborous. From his humble beginnings with Mandarin Dreagle, to the sweeping, epic end as Barrister Fawkes, Oroborous has been one of the best players, and one of the most top-notch all-around upstanding guys, whom I have ever had the priviledge and pleasure of interacting with.

Brilliant, dynamic, engaging, innovative, majestic, sweeping-all of these are words that only scratch the surface of what Oroborous brought to EfU with his characters. You were truly one of the most rocking players EfU and the NWN community has seen, and I know the server will be worse off without you.

Here's hoping you give it another whirl one day, and until then, I know whatever server you decide to rock out on will be lucky to have you.

Until then, hang loose, and know: you'll always be the L6: Warlock to my L5: Witch, baby. Keep on holdin' on to your spells, and keep working the magic as only you can.

I never did get to to RP with you Oro :cry:

You're my hero.

Mandarin was the baddest badguy shit had ever spawned. If I recall correctly, the first player interaction I had on the server was stumbling in on Mandarin being chased around the sewers by Ivandur. The ensuing roleplay is probably what made me stay for the rest of EfU.

G'day, friend. Had some good times roleplaying with you with Lathain, even though you were always one million steps ahead of me. I hope you come back soon!


The few times I had to RP with you were great, I can really say you effected Amywieng :)

Take care, mate!

We never got to meet in character, but I have to say that Fawkes made an amazing rival to oppose. Hopefully you'll come back to EFU sometime, and give us all another Emperor-like Villain to hate, or perhaps a Luke Skywalker-type hero for the masses to adore. Regardless, you will be missed!

Hope to see you, man!

You've always made great characters that have affected the server some way or another... Guess we'll have to find some other rp idol to look up now :(

Come back soon! :)


Does this mean Dr Dragon wins?

Good bye Oro, it's sad to see you go. I hope you do come back some day and bring your awesome.

Later mate

Thank you and fare thee well...your efforts deffenetly elevated rp on the server, at least from me..Nymm would have never been much if you had not recruited him into the Watch..your prescence will be missed.

I was a big fan of the Sheriff. Having PCs with so much power is awesome, but frustrating when you're on the wrong side of it. I just wish it would have been Kathazar that dragged Fawkes into a cave and finally chopped off his head! Alas, perhaps I'll have a chance with another of your characters, or maybe we'll even find ourselves on the same side.

Awesome characters. Got this image in my head of Dungal showing up in Lower shortly after the Tigereyes were wiped out followed by two hounds, and I dont mean his armored retainers.

Dammit. I started playing this week. And you're gone. :cry: