Well all, its been a fine trip on EfU. I've enjoyed it right up to the end but now I need to at least step outside for a little while. I get the feeling my expectations of how EfU should play out is growing out of step with the rest of the community.
I've certainly enjoyed many fine stories and players and I hope it was reciprocal which makes me loath to say this is permanent choice.
Thanks go to so many guys its tough to list:
Howland, you made a fine kick ass server. The epic feel of the first DM quest I got here really kept me hooked through a year and a half.
Arkov, you've got brilliant mad skills making up background stories. Kudos to you by far.
Metropakt, loved the quests and interactions and just the chummy way you'ld chat and shoot the breeze in IRC with me.
DeputyCool; you know I'll be seeing you.
DruQks, I'd marry you if you weren't so ugly. I can not eat at Benito's Pizza Parlor without remember Delgado attack and throttle a deep pig with his bare hands.
Meldread, you're a great minion who made playing Dungal infinitly more fun back in the day.
Prestonhunt, as always its been fun. I never had a dull interaction between our characters and if you were in an opposing side or faction I always knew I'd have fun.
SongofOrpheus, I've said it before but thanks again for the personal attention. The Flame of the Caliphate was by far actually my favorite plot line even though it was just me and you.
Illuminaughty, just nice to see those little roleplay touches you put on things. Any time you logged in, the world got a little more life breathed into it.
And to all the rest who made quests fun, pvp conflict intriguing and meaningful, who kept me laughing and sometimes screaming at my monitor when things got really intense or entertaining.