Specific keys - take them away, surely a rogue who's tools are good enough can open such a lock. My suggestion is to give that certain door an increase in DC - 45'sh or so. Also check: https://efupw.com/efu1-forum/topic/19/1986/spell-change-knock/index.html#post-8407
Specific keys
Doors with specific keys are likely not suppose to be opened.
Oroborous Doors with specific keys are likely not suppose to be opened.
There are keys available; And when there's a key, a key can be forged. That's the conceptm of lockpicking. Rogues should, in theory, be able to pick any mundane lock, that has no magical warding. -If- a lock has magical warding, there are ways around that too. I think what ChocoPie is trying to say, that rogues should at least deserve a chance to open locks.
Actually, if you set a door that goes nowhere and don't want it to open--you set it to have a "specific key". So it won't open, because it doesn't go anywhere.
75% of doors that require specific keys, go no where. If he means specific doors that lead specific places that have locks so complex that the only way to open it is with a key specifically made for that door-easy solution is to accept its a magical lock and move on.
There are a number of concerns here.
First, some doors just don't have anything behind them. A large number of the doors to unmarked houses/buildings in the Upper and Lower Sanctuary areas fall into this category. Arguably a skilled rogue should be able to pick their way into one of these buildings fairly easily, but the areas simply don't exist, and so they can't. This isn't immediately obvious, because the game still says "A specific key is required to open that object" even when no specific key actually exists, and the door is just left unconnected.
(A point connected to this one is that we may just not be ready to reveal what's behind that door. For example, the Voting Booth in the Town Hall isn't fully designed yet, because our voting scripts are in the prototype phase at the moment, so we don't want people getting into there yet.)
Second, faction headquarters all have unpickable locks. This is because we consider it important to be able to supervise what happens inside faction areas, particularly regarding the sort of activities that a rogue might be involved in once sneaking in (assassination, uncovering secrets, retrieving items, planting evidence, hiding from the authorities, etc). If you're interested in breaking into a faction headquarters, you should contact a DM so that we can supervise and make sure that all the NPCs/mechanisms present react properly.
Thirdly, the jail cell doors have unpickable locks. This is because the cell guards stationed there will smack your fingers away if you try to pick the lock. It's their job! Again, breakouts from jail are best done under DM supervision to ensure that the NPCs involved react properly. Also, our jail scripts won't properly detect that you've been "released" (and thus un-set your spawn point) if you just pick the lock and run out. There are a couple other areas like this, that for certain reasons shouldn't be generally accessible (the respawning area of the Mausoleum, for example) but these are generally rare and I can't think of any besides those two off the top of my head.
Accepting those three points (which do account for very many doors in the module) there's a good argument for most of the other doors to be able to be opened by lockpicking. Some of them are magical and/or nontraditional doors that won't be susceptible to lockpicking, but I'd imagine those to be in the minority.
To add on to what Arkov said, there are also a huge amount of areas that require specific keys that are sprinkled about the module that reveal aspects of the setting or mysteries. Making them pickable would give rogues an overwhelming advantage, and is never, ever going to happen. It would be a terrible design decision.
As a consolation, there -are- many, many, many areas that can be accessed simply through high pick lock (or high search).