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Social Commentators, Journalists, Writers, and Philosophers!

A few posters are placed up around Upper and Lower in prominent places

Social Commentators, Journalists, Writers, and Philosophers! Now, more than ever before is your chance to have your views heard and read about by the people of the city.

Sanctuary has need of men and women to contribute to a semi-regular publication focused on the views of the Sanctuary's citizens. Whether you are a low wage worker or a Councillor of the City yourself, your views will be expressed by paper for all the city to see.

Wages may be offered for quality articles from repeat writers.

This publication, while the individual articles within may reference items of the news, its purpose will not be to relay information about our society.

Citizenship is a requirement to have your views published. Citizens interested in joining this endeavour ought write to James Thorne at the Last Stand Inn, or seek him out in person.

~James Thorne