Home > Public Notices

Notices hidden in brightly lit areas of the sewers and mines

Some of you are learning the truth.

If you wish to hear more, seek out Mandarin Dreagle. Leave word near Hrunphar's fungas farm by scratching a date and time on the limestone there shaped like a large trapezoid.

((Looking to meet one on one with Mandarin, post a date and time and we'll try to meet in game. My play times are mostly Monday and Tuesday 12 AM to 7 AM EST, and perhaps by schedule at other afternoon times EST))

((Late tonight, tuesday? Say around 1 or 2am EST))

A date and time are scratched in crude letters into the rock.

Underneath, the message is signed with a 'T'.

((Afternoon EST possible for you sometime these days?))

((Sure thing, pick a time after 1 PM and I can wing it.))