2006-02-07 07:48:18 UTC
Some of you are learning the truth.
If you wish to hear more, seek out Mandarin Dreagle. Leave word near Hrunphar's fungas farm by scratching a date and time on the limestone there shaped like a large trapezoid.
((Looking to meet one on one with Mandarin, post a date and time and we'll try to meet in game. My play times are mostly Monday and Tuesday 12 AM to 7 AM EST, and perhaps by schedule at other afternoon times EST))
2006-02-07 19:14:33 UTC
((Late tonight, tuesday? Say around 1 or 2am EST))
2006-02-11 02:59:58 UTC
A date and time are scratched in crude letters into the rock.
Underneath, the message is signed with a 'T'.
((Afternoon EST possible for you sometime these days?))
2006-02-11 12:21:55 UTC
((Sure thing, pick a time after 1 PM and I can wing it.))