The Sanctuary Times has seen fit to slander my name, without so much as questioning myself about the events. So, let me set the record straight.
I did not encourage anyone to attack the Duergar. I did however, alert everyone who was present, that the Duergar was considered in no way tied to the City, as soon as he left it's gates. He was nothing more to the City than a Rothe, in the eyes of the law. I at no time informed any mob to kill the Duergar. I simply alerted them to the fact that such a thing would in no way be illegal. Which is true. The Sanctuary Times claims that I have commited a Crime are entirely fabricated. The Duergar was exiled. Any assault upon his person, after he had been exiled, is not illegal in the eyes of the City.
If the Sanctuary Times wishes to maintain any sort of credibility, I suggest they begin to check their facts.
-Sergeant Casca Quinn