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/c companion hide

/c companion hide, a neat feature which basically tells your companion to enter Hide mode. What more need to be said?

I'll add something to this, since I was in the middle of writing a post for it anyway! (Damn ye and your fancy once-sentence postings that get to the point so much quicker than I do!)

Basically, I'd say this is the key to making (at least some) animal companions used. At all. At the moment, using an animal companion isn't really feasible if you're actually doing stuff. In the city they cannot be used for obvious reasons: Guards'd kill them, people'd panic, and so on. "But outside the city!" I hear you protest. Well, the problem (at least if you have a bit of stealth yourself, which mostly all rangers/druids do) is that having an animal companion out basically either forces you to fight every single group of hostiles that gets in your way, or get the companion killed. Which does put a bit of a hamper on the places you can use your companion: In the Sanctuary Gate area, and when walking to generic wilderness quest X with your group of merry quest spamming buddies.

This would really be a nice implementation, since presently, I quite frankly haven't seen a single animal companion used to date (except for my own - in the Sanctuary Gate area!). Alright, maybe Paha_Poikas a couple of times since we're basically glued together and thought they'd be fun to look at.

If "/c companion stealth" isn't possible, perhaps there is another way to do it? Even the OC has minion stealth via dialogue (even though that would be a bit cumbersome), so it seems like it could at least be worth a try.

I have seen some animal companions used in battle, mostly under the effect of bark skin and several other buffs as well.

When I played another character of mine, I usually had my dragon familiar out talking. I can tell most will ask you to remove him/her, though when I had told them he was allowed by the Spellguard the familiar was granted peace. That was in Upper Sanctuary.

Basically, one never uses familiars/animal companions because of the XP penalty when they die, and the constant "Dismiss him!". Really saves the trouble when you don't have it there.

I am sad to see so few companions about, they really add depth to the character you play if you add them as well.

The /c companion stealth would be a great addition to the ones playing with familiars or companions.

I know plenty of people that use their companions, both for battle and rp. It is something that most people need to get use to and know how each are useful. Being a highly druid-based character builds, this /c companion stealth would be very useful for a good deal of the companions. Maybe some way it could work like in single player? Where you tell your partners and companions to stay hidden and do not attack until you do or are attacked? Just my two cents.

Addendum: The various companions' skill points might have to be reworked a bit too if this is implemented, since they currently seem to be built around stealth not working. Such as a level 7 Cave Prowler having 4 Hide/MS >_>.

You would be surprised the havoc a bat with 6H/MS is capable of doing.

You would be surprised the havoc a bat with 6H/MS is capable of doing.

Yes... yes, I would. :wink:

So, is this possible? It would really be a lovely thing to have implemented.

If this was implemented, it would more likely be a dialogue over a /c command I think.

Either this, or a command like the follow option. You must be near the creature, and he must be aware of you.

On dialog the char could be heard etc. (In ooc ways).