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Checking mail - everyday actions...

I have seen it stated that unless a character actually goes somewhere IG, they do not see what is there. For example, a character should not know about something scratched into the walls of the sewers unless he actually sees it or is told IG or in the forums.

What about simply things like checking mail? Do I need my character to emote going to the Crone to get letters in the forum?

{emoticons and worthless drivel removed}

First, we don't want emoting in the forum.

What we do want, is for you to go to the crone IG. If you receive email in the Crone regularly, but your character never goes there, obviously there is a problem.

All right, sorry about the emoticons - didn't know they were discouraged. Slow down the forums, or just annoying?

Follow-up....if my character goes to the Crone about every day IG, do I have to wait until I actually have him check the mail when I play tonight before I can answer a letter here in the forums right now?

Or do I have to wait until I log on, walk over to the Crone, have him emote getting his mail, log off, and then I can answer a forum letter?

I would think that public places they frequent often would seem obvious that the character would see it need not be actually visited IG?

Actually, you misunderstood me. ;)

Nothing about emoticons. What we don't need is "Picks up his mail" posts. Does a post like that really do anything for anyone? Letters and stuff on the forums, are fine, but emotes via forums usually don't make sense.

As for the other part... if your character regularly goes to the crone IG, then it is safe to assume you do so out of game too. It's the cases where people respond to things they'd never see IG that there is a real problem.