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Quest Suggestion Thread

I often take suggestions in #EFUQF on IRC, but I want to see what we get soliciting feedback on quests on the board will get us.

I'd like to make this a one stop shopping for DM's for a while, so we can collect Ideas to update quests.

1) What suggestions do you have to improve quests in general? 2) What suggestions do you have to improve specific quests? 3) Which quests are out of balance with others? 4) What new quest concepts would you like to see?

Obviously, not all ideas will be implemented, but I'd really like to see what kind of feedback we get.

well to get the topic going how about a new delivery quest or two since the destruction of the blue mushroom the attack of the lizard folk and the departure of the drughar several quests have had to be removed so it would be nice to see them replaced with new ones.

One idea ive had is to restart the one to blue mushroom only change the trade goods for building materials or something similair (since i think the place is being rebulit ig) and make the package lighter to offset the fact that the mines are now a very dangerous place to head into.

I'll echo Disco in IRC yesterday and say that a lowbie quest similar to the beetle quest in the mines, but with eyeballs, could be really awesome.

I like skill checks, and parts of quests that are designed for specific classes. Persuade and intimidate for potions/more loot are a nice touch. Having trapped or locked chests necessitating someone with that skill for the best reward like in the Troll Quest is a good thing I think. Trap skills on Ettercaps.

Things of that nature...such as:

~ Secret Doors with a high DC of 20 to search leading to some loot. Possible to randomize their location?

~ Spot the invis NPC hin footpad that will nick 50% of the treasure in the Boss NPC's chest and he coughs it up, or fail to see him and lose the swag.

~ Opportunities to use persuade/bluff/intimidate, with good and bad consequences depending on the result.

~ Lore checks to read an ancient script telling you which lever to pull to get the reward - the others with the spectres or highly poisonous spiders.

~ A trapped room with a magic scroll requiring a successful spellcraft check to read and open the door, or rocks come down before the door opens.

~ Indiana Jones like gauntlet of pivoting blades, darts, pendulum scythes that require a successful tumble check to get through.

~ Healing check to correctly treat a dying monster that surrenders and promises to give them treasure if they save him

~ Perform check to successfully play the magic harp of summoning to banish the demon that begins to appear, or to bring the celestial to answer their question or vanquish the 50 Chosen or Undead Svirfs that stand between the party and freedom.

Stuff like that. Simple, right?

BUT...I don't like ability checks because a 6 STR halfling shouldn't be able to move the boulder with a 12 STR DC check when the 20 STR half-orc barb failed his. IMO the modifier is not significant enough compared to the d20 roll and sheer luck, but that's just me.

I am fairly new so this might already exist but ...

A series of linked quests, where the ending to one might give you a token, that then makes the next quest available. You finish that quest and get a token for the new quest.

Something similar to the old AD&D series modules like "Against the Giants"

Regarding which quests are out of balanced with others, it seems as though roughly 33% of all callings made are for the quest in which players can almost stand in one spot and hack-n-slash until it's over. This is definately your grinders quest. It seems most people will wait all day to find a suitable party for the svirfneblin exp manufacturing device known as "the staircase".

People like it because it typically only needs easilly aquired defenses such as AC buffs and perhaps a couple darkfires or strengths. The enemies die quick and leave tons of loot everywhere. Mindless exp and coins falling from the sky.

The only time this quest gets remotely interesting or challenging is when your melees fall. Or if you attempt it with only ranged attackers (which can often be fun)

Everyone seems to like it, but then again that's part of the problem. Easy money and exp is good for some, but for myself and maybe others I'm kinda tired of struggling to convince people to do other interesting quests than the staircase.

Maybe my gripe is simply that the staircase needs to be... complicated a little. As it is, you walk down, buff up, discuss who will be holding the line, take positions and wait for the singular encounter to end. That sequence usually hapens many times and often in mixed orders in most other quests, which makes them interesting.

Ancient Behemoth Deep Lizard Hunt Clan Cave Worm often celebrates its presence by engaging in huge feast of booze and meat, however no feast would be complete without the gigantic skull of an Ancient Behemoth Deep Lizard. These lumbering monstrosities are known to go die in a sacred place not far from the Lower gates.

Quest: Go seek the Deep Lizard in the graveyard close to Thomas's, could be protected by a tribe of "druidic" and "barbaric" lizardman shaman which tries to maintain the specie in balance.

Kua-toa Slave raid Kua-toan of **Sublobliiiiblop** lost a slave shipment which crashed on a small island some days ago, they are willing to pay individuals to make the trip on their boat and capture any salvageable merchandise.

Quest: Your pay would take into account the number of slaves you bring. You could be given a slave handling baton which only works on specific NPC slaves and teleports into a cage nearing the kua-toa boat point. The trick would be to immobilize the NPC long enough for the baton to work, while they are fighting for their lives. ((i.e. Kuatoa sticky bags, hold person, gust, balagarn, sound burst, gedlee.. etc.))

Ruins of the Blue mushroom Reduskan would require the strange mushroom mixture to give a more blue-ish to some of his artefact at his shop, he requires you to go to the Blue mushroom and go deep down the caves into the most diseased areas to find an hint of what can turn these mushroom to a blue-ish glowing and ghostly taint.

Quest: You go to the blue mushroom, deep into the diseased areas filled with ancient diseased and dead patrons, the way is long down with the usual disgusting ambience of a diseased area. You hear stern walkings, as the ancients patron and diseased svirneblin corpse return to live well.. to mess you up! - the reason "why" is up for a juicy encounter.

Shake up the quests.

This is a no brainer, but often a lot of work.

It doesn't hurt to leap into the module periodically:

What if undead stair case dwelling svirneblin are suddenly tougher to kill with extra HP and slashing resistance; but their rotted bloated bodies are now easily damaged by piercing weapons--which causes foul gas to exit their wounds?

Perhaps a flaming demon has inhabited the mortuary to try to seize the angry souls there? The souls have been imbued with fire magics.

Move traps around periodically, at least once a month though to keep it fresh.

Move secret doors around even more often.

What if periodically zombies are in the old zhurkwood factory; but what if other times its a sit down strike with old Boggs locked in his office to afraid to negotiate a settlement with his angry workers?

Underdark swarmers may spit acid, but what if unique varities show up that instead break rock with cold breath, or with extreme heat?

Goblins may have taken over a brewery and added a secret ingredient to the alcohol that let's them vomit acid...sadly this also gives them terrible stomach pain lowering their HP.

Just little things that keep even the static quests that get done six times every day fresh.

Especially if it breaks up the monotony of preperations:

We should have some fireballs to kill the zombies. WTF??? The zombies are filled with explosive gas setting off fireballs of twice the size when they're hit and the blast took out the front line!!! (Until you learn cold magic destroys the zombies quickly)

We need a rogue to pick the lock on the secret door for this quest. Argh! The lock DC is 50 now; we need a wizard with the Knock spell instead. (Of course, there is *that* other secret door with a lock DC of 15 that leads to the same hidden treasure room but is down a narrow passage guarded by an ancient dire leech.)

Everyone knows troglodytes don't use fire magic, prepare extra bull strengths. OMG!!! They all have weapons that do fire damage now and the king has armor that gives him Fire Shield!! We're doomed. (Granted, their recent mastery of fire magic has come from imprisoning a fire elemental lord in their jails who will aid you in gaining vengeance if you free him before you rush to fight the chief.)

Kobolds aren't good warriors; we should do fine with just two front liners on this mission. JUMPING JEHOVA they hired twin troll strippers for the chief's birthday party and now they're chewing on my leg! Oh god my leg! (Granted, if your scouts notice the party going on by looking ahead and watch it to the conclusion they'd see the king slip off too tired at the end of the show to stay up and go off into his secluded room that the party could always sneak in and out of without anyone the wiser. OR maybe the trolls are willing to work for the party and help kill the king in exchange for paying them--they are mercenary strippers afterall.)

I would suggest adding traps of light to quest. Now lets see them rogues hide!

((Especially good for those dms who can't touch those well hiding rogues))

Possibly add various levels of "success" for a mission. For many perhaps one which might simply meet the minimum requirements while going above and beyond might require far more effort, but for higher gains. This could also be done so that the plot choices made through a mission can actually reflect characters.

The slavers mentioned earlier might have had some actual material merchandise as well as slaves on the ship. Returning the supplies would suit the success conditions, but bringing back live slaves somehow might further the reward. This would be somewhat of a cold hearted act though considering another option might be to free the slaves. Both would be far more difficult than simply cutting through the islands evils to get to the wreckage, but it pushes for good RP even in the middle of scripted quests.

Rogue hate! Ha. :P

Personally, I would like to see more non-combat quests. It would be nice for other character types to emerge on EfU so we can break away from the feeling that every PC is an adventurer. Sure, we have a few of those character types already, but not enough in my opinion.

I dislike doing quests and would much prefer to be doing other things with my time on EfU. So, to get it over with I typically just grind my way to whatever level I seek just so I can stop worrying about it, and I can focus on doing what I enjoy.

Quest Ideas:

A merchant is having trouble with a rather annoying customer. He comes into his shop everyday and then has a hard time picking out what he wants to buy. It is driving the merchant insane, and he requests that the player try and hurry the customer along so he can get him out of his shop. The player is then confronted with several options ranging from intimidating the customer, to bluffing and persuading, to offering to pay for something just so he'll leave.

A merchant just got a shipment of goods, but the guys he's payed to do the labor took their pay early and didn't bother showing up! The merchant offers you payment if you can bring the shipment inside. After you're done with that, the merchant offers you another reward if you can find his no-show employees and gives you a clue as to where they might be located. When you find them through a number of persuade, bluff or intimidate checks you can get the money back. Then you can decide to either keep double payment for the job you performed or be honorable and return the gold to the merchant. If you choose to return it you get a smaller amount of gold and more experience.

The angry wife. You run into a patron at the Crone who is having trouble with his wife. She's kicked him out of their little shack after some event took place. She won't reason with him. You can offer to try and help him out, and if you do so he tells you where his house is located. You travel there and try to get inside. (Dialog with the door.) You have to convince the wife to let you in, and once you do you have to get her to tell you the reason she's angry with her husband (to get her side of the story). After that, you have to try and help them reconcile - this might require going back to speak with the husband. It may also require purchasing a gift for the husband to give to his wife. After which, they both reconcile and are happy. They thank you and you get some experience.

I would also like to see more quests that lead into the various back-story of the city, and quests that are difficult and are chained together - for example when you complete one quest another opens up to you. This type of quest could be used for high level characters to assist in learning more about the back story of the city.

How about the ship that recently sunk in the canal ward? Mikkelson needs metal and your going to supply him from a ship! Theres just one problem. Sharks, water elementals and other denizens of the deep want you for lunch and adding that to the fact you can't breath underwater, it should make a challenging quest.

This quest idea brought to you by Calculor's cruel sense of humor.

The Ghostly Inn Ever since his acquisition of the Comely Inn's marker, the proprietor of the Curio Shop has been plagued by strange whispers and visions of beautiful, seductive specters. He sends you to a location directly underneath the former location of the Comely Inn in an attempt to exterminate the problem. To your surprise, you find yourself looking at at the Comely Inn, seemingly restored to its former glory, and with a spectral doorstop inviting you in...

Quest: Ghost whores, what more need be said? Upon reaching the banshee boss (who else other than the original proprietor?), you could take several options: destroy her; find a way to convince the Curio guy to give back the marker; purchase it yourself and give it to Victoria, putting her spirit at rest; or, perhaps you could manage to end things with a bang, like the original Comely.

Building on what I've seen posted here so far, I like the idea of quest elements requiring or providing options for those with various skills or abilities. This would be a great chance for the DMs to hit the min-maxers a bit and require some more thinking than has been used in the past on many quests where you CAN just stand there and beat the snot out of the baddies.

Some ideas: Escort duty/Rescue missions. Rather than lugging a load of supplies from point A to B, the PC(s) must escort someone, an NPC who survival makes or breaks the mission success. I know these can be prone to abuse if the PCs are walking around in the normal areas of the game, but if the objective is merely to go in and escort out, or if some way of creating boundaries for the NPc are usable, this might not be too bad. Additionally, I know that the NPCs tend to be a bit hard to keep alive, but that's part of the challenge (maybe little Mikkelson really DOES want to have some strong lad escort him to see his brother!) Along the way, a mugging occurs and the PC can use bluff, pay, or otherwise talk his way out of the situation rather than risk the child's life.

Fetching quests. Some of these might exist already (and I have heard of at least three, although two appear not available to any of my characters due to level and/or class), and can be a GREAT way to get characters to explore the Underdark. Seriously, I have been asked to go on ONE quest that went further than the Dark Lake or Low Road - how pathetic is that! Maybe someone needs yo to fetch some drops of acid for a potion they are brewing (use bottle on puddle), some edible snail shells are desired by the cook in an inn, or there is someone who will really pay well for Gloomwing mandibles or other "monster drops". After a while, most folks know where to go to get these things - and some can actually be quite a way out there. For my own sneaky characters, this is usually solo. For others, I can see gathering up a few friends for the trip!

Changes to existing quests: Maybe every so often, someone will stop a character who is enroute on a delivery quest and make an offer of coin to "divert" the intended object from its destination, or threaten to take it? Could a standard NPC type that normally "patrols" a portion of the likely delivery route(s) be given a script to encounter folks along that route and ask them? Or how about a script that detects to see if the character is carrying the plot item to initiate the encounter?

How about changing the reward for some of the quests. Here I'm thinking of Rebxn's bag of stuff. Maybe the reward for the quest is sometimes pitiful, other times greater? This might make some people think twice about taking certain "known quantity" quests.

Similarly, I'd still be highly supportive of the change suggestions made here and in another thread where it was suggested that there be some either A) built in randomization within the monster spawns for the quest or B) more frequent DM tweaking. You might be surprised how much effect moving one or two traps or adding or deleting one or two monsters can have on a group. We get so jaded after a while that when anything "suspicious" turns up the party chat and tells of "are we getting DM pwned here" fly around. Frankly it annoys me that suddenly their style of play changes when they think they are being watched, but it's funny as heck to see happen at the same time!

How about the ship that recently sunk in the canal ward? Mikkelson needs metal and your going to supply him from a ship! Theres just one problem. Sharks, water elementals and other denizens of the deep want you for lunch and adding that to the fact you can't breath underwater, it should make a challenging quest.

We have a quest -exactly- like that.

Some good suggestions, bear in mind suggestions that are realistic and don't require complicated scripting are more likely to be put in.

How about a tower owned by a renegade necromancer and his many apprentices? Instead of having to fight mostly undead, the enemies would be clever, strategically-placed Mages of varying specializations? One buffs himself and becomes a troll, while another group shoots fireballs down from a landing, while a third summons big beasties?

In the final room, of course, would be the necromancer lord with his swarms of invisible undead pixies.

-A Society Ordinant within the Sand Caverns has stumbled upon one of the current battlefields between Ysinode and Chabzash. He instructs our fearless party to enter this fray and slay the beholders and illithid leading their thrall armies against each other. Players could choose to sneak past the thralls, or fight through them; choosing the latter option may lead the opposing force to ambush you after you dispatch the leaders.

-Ryxx the Mighty of the Shadow Tribe has located a secluded cavern under Ssal'teesh that the Shadow Tribe very much desires. One problem-it was one of the former slave and prisoner cell areas for the lizardfolk. Shortly before the city's defeat, the entire population within was sacrificed to Moander, and now wailing undead and strange, rotting creatures kill any kobolds who enter. It's up to our party to fight to the heart of this corruption and end it.

-A Drow Captain at the Kuo-Tao Island with the name that's really, really hard to spell is hiring extra guards for the find of a lifetime; a deserted island within the Dark Lake where the treasure of an ancient pirate is deposited, promising to make the entire crew and any freelancers rich beyond their wildest dreams. One problem: upon arrival at the island, the Drow crew forces the party onto the shore and sails away, leaving them on an island infested with oozes, slimes, feral, savage Drow, and vermin. Turns out they were cultists of Ghaundahaur, and lured you to use as sacrifices to the ancient ooze at the center of the island. Wow, betrayed by Drow. What a surprise! Anyway, our intrepid party fights through the corruption and slays the evil at the heart of the island, where a secret path off the island is revealed.

Here comes round 2 of some ideas, based on Howland's request that we keep scipting to a minimum.

More to do outside Sanctuary that doesn't START in Sanctuary, but perhaps has a few hints about it in Sanctuary:

Walking through Lower, you converse with a beggar and learn he saw a Duergar recruiting for a mission at Fort Mur. Traveling to Fort Mur, the party learns that there is a quest to be done (currently the Mur quests are for higher levels only, and one is unfinished!). This would encourage folks to head out that way.

Another random rumor floats the city concerning some troubel with Kuo Toa harrassing travellers around the Dark Lake. Investigating the problem at the Kuo Toa City, there could be someone who asks you to travel to a VERY dry area of the Underdark (and therefore inhospitable to them) to recover a relic of Blibdoolpoolp from the Formorians/Ogres/whoever who took it. Once there, the party could either negotiate for it or try to take it back by force.

You encounter a lone troll flying a flag of truce (fall into a trap maybe, instead?) and are offered a chance to make some money or LIVE by bringing them the head of a famous troll hunter who is visiting the area and camped out in a nearby cave.

An earthquake creates/opens a new passage to an area that is mineral rich (gems can be found there regularly) but that is dangerous because it has also attracted creatures like Xorn, earth elementals, mephits, and others, maybe even mining parties of Duergar less forgiving than the Grunstubbles.

Another possibility would be to create several MORE areas similar to the "attack the gnolls/urdlenites/beetles" quests in the mines. Make them well outside the regular bounds of Sanctuary and occupying one of the many caves/lairs out there. In short, I envision here something like the old Descent into the Depths of the Earth encounter areas where the players really got a sense of the Underdark as a place with a LOT of life. After all, all those lone gnoll hunting parties I keep encountering have to be coming from somewhere! The party could choose or not choose to enter the area and there would not need to be a particular hook for them to be there (like the old Duergar missing his daughter). Maybe move the existing gnoll caves to that new area and close the existing encounter area - they've moved on after having gotten tired of getting their butts handed to them.

I guess in short, I'd like to see some REASON for my characters to continue exploring the Underdark. Right now, having found much already and determined that certain areas are encounter heavy, interesting stuff low, they have no desire to travel there. Moving things around a bit would bring that flavor back. I know it was kind of fun after the lizard man attack to figure out where everyone had gone! I know having to relocate quests would be much the same.

Finally, I like the idea mentioned by several others of "linked" quests that must be completed in an order. Completing one quest provides the party with a token of some sort that can be used to open the next area - perhaps after a rest or regroup. This would permit the party composition to change a bit if people need to log or whatever. The episodes should be short enough that getting started does not create a 5 hour commitment for you. Perhaps the rewards are compounded such that there is encouragement for completing the series (the item would disappear at server reset).

Over time, I think the DM team could create a library of quest areas that could be rotated into the mix every so often. I understand that creating areas is tremendously time consuming, having played with it myself a bit. Perhaps there could be a call for those of us with developed/partially developed areas to submit them for use/finishing and inclusion in the module.

i like some of the stuff going round here.

Yes, more quests, more basic errand quests that get folk moving around. To replace/complement the ones that exist atm. I like the idea of having to haul replacement equipment to the mushroom, if this is being rebuilt (which it should dammit!!1!) errand quests to take supplies to the tribe of blades for eg.

Maybe a seeker quest to keep their maps updated, you need to hit 3 different areas outside of sanctuary, and these are randomised changing everytime you take the quest. (this could even be a higher level one as you might have to visit some nasty areas, or hire a guide to be successful)

Some more class specific solo quests, minx doing the thief specific one that was -all- traps to get that belt was awesome. One of the best questing experiences i've had on -any- server. Maybe a wizard quest to a spell duel with another wizard and he gives you a random 2nd circle spell, i dunno, just a few more class specific ones.

The mines quests are not being used much -at all-. They used to be used heaps. I think the reason on this is the lack of end reward now. Add a container to each of these at the end that spawns gold when the end-quest part is triggered (like killing the *spoiler* that completes it it puts 100 coin/party member into the container *shrugs*). These quests are plenty challenging at this will just revive these quests and may prove easier then replacing them totally.

And yes, yes yes yes, change up the options, have multi skill based options involved in new/old quests. When i first entered sanctuary, the first quest i tried getting was the shackled lady one, then failing the roll needed to pick one of many options from rufus. THIS WAS AWESOME!

As was said before, I would like to see more changes in the already known quests.

For example, there is the *spoiler* quest, in which it had many *spoilers1*. Now that the *spoilers1* has gone, the whole quest came to another level.

I would like to see changes in Clown-land quest. As it is basically a "Kill them all quest". Yes, every quest is like that. But I would like to see another way, perhaps some use of skills like lock-pick, search, more animals, and kinds of them (would be nice to see more surface animals)

Also, Crazy Jane quest in lower, which I would like to see some progression in what happens there. (Due to forum setting, I cannot explain it, but I think it's clear enough)

Also, and unlike what I wanted to be added above, this is solely kill-the-boss quest, I would like to see a quest like the "Elemental in the basement", Only this one would be with a more powerful Deep Lizard, as these seem to live in the mines, it would seem nice to "practice" killing it. Of course it would be harder. As for reward, there would be a locked chest, that the lizard has it's key in her stomach. if you want to open it, kill the lizard, get the key out, and open the chest.


Something on these general lines has been suggested before, I think, but have a mage who wants to collect spell components. It could be along similar lines to the spellguard animatron bounty, only he wants spider silk glands and skeleton knuckles and ettercap ears and deep lizard tongue etc. Raise the proportion of creatures in the underdark that drop bodyparts (not all, because a. it's too easy and b. it's hard to kill an eyeball without bursting it) . But they don't drop in quest areas, so you can't just do staircase and then drag several thousand zombie scalps up with you. It encourages people to go out into the underdark and explore/hunt. He could have a general store function, a small amount of gold and maybe a little XP per item, depending on how dangerous the creature was, and several rotating quests; "Hello, I'm paying double for ____ today if you can get me some! If you can get me 12 I'll give you a little something extra." where the amount and species wanted changes (within limits - 50 skeletons are a lot easier than 50 deep hounds). He could also have a seperate unchanging quest, where you need to get A, B, C, D, E and F, and B is for sale in Fort Mur, and if you get A there's an old man next to it who tells you that there is a stash of F just inside that cave, but you'll have to hunt down some D yourself (track would be useful here)... but of course finding that elusive last eyeball could take a few minutes or an hour, depending on your luck...

spawnofweevil Something on these general lines has been suggested before, I think, but have a mage who wants to collect spell components. It could be along similar lines to the spellguard animatron bounty, only he wants spider silk glands and skeleton knuckles and ettercap ears and deep lizard tongue etc. Raise the proportion of creatures in the underdark that drop bodyparts (not all, because a. it's too easy and b. it's hard to kill an eyeball without bursting it) . But they don't drop in quest areas, so you can't just do staircase and then drag several thousand zombie scalps up with you. It encourages people to go out into the underdark and explore/hunt. He could have a general store function, a small amount of gold and maybe a little XP per item, depending on how dangerous the creature was, and several rotating quests; "Hello, I'm paying double for ____ today if you can get me some! If you can get me 12 I'll give you a little something extra." where the amount and species wanted changes (within limits - 50 skeletons are a lot easier than 50 deep hounds). He could also have a seperate unchanging quest, where you need to get A, B, C, D, E and F, and B is for sale in Fort Mur, and if you get A there's an old man next to it who tells you that there is a stash of F just inside that cave, but you'll have to hunt down some D yourself (track would be useful here)... but of course finding that elusive last eyeball could take a few minutes or an hour, depending on your luck...
I second something like this. Especially since the existing one (available for all classes, I know druids have some kind of special druid-only fancy gathering quest), rothe hunting, isn't really viable for a nature-lovin' balance upholdin' trooper to do, seeing that the rothe are on the verge of extinction IG. Would be nice for other kinds of hunters (aberrants, undead, spiders, butterflies, whatever) to have a quest such as this, too. As for it being exploitable, I'd say if someone wants quick exp/cash, they go quest. Encounters in the wilds are often harder than quest ones since they're not tailored to levels/you don't have a group with you, and the rewards from this shouldn't be anywhere near what you can get from questing anyway, just something symbolic.

I was thinking similar rewards to the spellguard one - both gold and XP would probably be somewhere in the 10-50 region depending on what creature you killed for the straight bounty quest, which is unlimited, and the other quests would reward the same as a normal quest (though be sure that you get more for handing in the required amount as a quest completion than you would for selling them individually, maybe a 20-30% markup or so).

Obviously the A,B,C quest should be worth a bit more than most because it's more challenging than just going to the staircase and hitting things, you have to actually hunt around for them, possibly straying quite far from sanctuary to get them (and the random spawns that are already in place makes this fun).

Could be done for plants, too, although be careful of the acid spores on that one... and I should warn you that a particular breed of aggressive trolls often hang out near the purple moss, as they use it for bedding... and that bush looks a lot like a swarmer, oops, it's moving towards you!

I am also still firmly in favor of a few scripted escape preludes.

Oroborous I am also still firmly in favor of a few scripted escape preludes.


Here's what I got--


The Flaming Extractor-

Some adventurers have wandered into the belly of dunwarren, and their leader is looking for help. It seems the clumsy dwarf, with them has knocked into an old artifact, instantly setting the building ablaze. the quest giver offers 100 gold a person, for each of the 6 members brought back to saftey. Of course... This is dangerous.

There are -no- monsters in this... Just a race against time to save the lives of six adventurers.. As soon as you enter the building, smoke stings the eyes (50% chance of blindness for 3 minutes) and plooms into your lungs. (A timer is set up, for the amount of oxygen you have) fire surrounds the place. (Visible traps, if you walk on flames, you get burnt, if you run out of oxygen, you lose 1/16 of hp every round.) To make matters worse... This was an old inn, there are rooms scattered everywhere, and no adventurer is in the same place. The only way to regain breath, is by stepping outside.

Oh no, After you find somone, you need to carry them out. (200lb added) increasing the chance that you will run out of air!


That's all I got. :(


More quests in the sand caves. And more quests with aberrations.. How about a sick beholder along with a few eyeball attenders is hiding out in a cave, since the beholder is sick it wuldnt be a very hard quest and culd be for the low to mid lvls chars.

Or how about random quest spwaning. What if The quest givers wuld spwan in random locations? eks. The troll hunter culd perhaps spwan on top of the spire or in Fort Mur? How about there was only a certain % chance that a quest wuld be aktive for a server reset? Eks. Server has just reset and now there is only 25percent chance that some of the quest givers wuld spwan. Eks. Private Hultar might not spwan and then the bat quest wuldnt be avalible for this server reset.. This wuld make quests more unik and random and wuld prevent spamming of certain quests..

I like the first two suggestions, Disc.

(I am unsure if English is a first language of yours or not, but please try to correct your spelling, please!)

Disco more quests with aberrations.. How about a sick beholder along with a few eyeball attenders is hiding out in a cave, since the beholder is sick it wuldnt be a very hard quest and culd be for the low to mid lvls chars.

There's already a quest that includes just about that.


How about there was only a certain % chance that a quest wuld be aktive for a server reset? Eks. Server has just reset and now there is only 25percent chance that some of the quest givers wuld spwan. Eks. Private Hultar might not spwan and then the bat quest wuldnt be avalible for this server reset.. This wuld make quests more unik and random and wuld prevent spamming of certain quests..

That would really ruin my powah gamarh runs! Don't mess with itz!

Personally I'd like to see a quest involving Quaggoth's who have claimed a cave somewhere in the Underdark. Unfortunately, the original 'owner' of the cave, an exile of Sanctuary/Mur/X wasn't able to reason with them in an attempt to get his own cave back, that he's now hiring mercenaries to do it for him. The quest itself would include small groups of Quaggoth's and their trained Guard Dogs (Dire Wolf appearance for the better trained dogs, Wolf appearance for the remaining) The boss, set to Neutral, can be engaged into a conversation; where one can attempt to intimidate him by threatening with magic (DC20?) - Threatening with force (DC25?) [Both Intimidate checks will result in a fight if failed] or use a persuade check DC15, offering a gold amount if he moves out peacefully. [Which has the NPC Guaggoth to vanish] - The End Reward should only be slightly higher than the amount offered for him to move out.

Even without the whole drama-end, I'd still like to see something like this happen, because Guaggoth's are just really cool creatures.

There is one thing I would like to see...

A conversation with a bad guy, the with a different outcome depending on how the PC responds. Everything from attacking if you say the wrong thing, to giving you something if you stroke his ego/outsmart him.

Maybe even a pursaude check, or a search, spot, or other check.

OOooo! Or maybe a "listen" check, success would be "You hear Osgord mutter under his breath "...that's it, just a little while longer..." and realize that he is stalling you, perhaps waiting for reinforcements."

1. (Call his bluff) "Too late, submit now or die!" 2. (Run away) "Well, you sure can talk up a storm! I forgot I left some mushrooms in the oven at home... goodbye!" 3. (Ignore and let him keep talking) "So what was that you were saying about the history of the Dark Lake pirates?"

I know that its hard not to metagame once you've had a successful interaction like the one described above. But the occasional RP in a sticky situation, or having to talk your way out of pounded into pudding might spice things up a bit.


I'd love too see more quests where social proficiencies can be used: bluff/intimidate/persuade.

There's one for lvl 2 (new slave in town), i spot another using lore (nighshade mushroom). By the way, i've seen players hit that mushroom over and over again till they successfully pass the proficiency checks. That can be modified (like in new slave in town quest, if you fail persuade, you've gotta pay for the key).

Quest where PCs invade another creatures domain (all quest, thus !) always end up killing the main big guy. Maybe dialogues there (with hard difficulty checks, cause we are invading them) would credit social proficiencies.

That's mostly scripted dialogues (hard work ?), you can do for any lvl. Anything from: - social : stop bullying that child/lady/merchant/creature... - social : stop attacking that settlement and we'll pay in roth meat instead/ take care of a problem for you/ trade with you/ let you live... - social: let me in that room/ inn/settlement (especially outside of town, like in the duergar or fishmen city !) - social: free a prisonner and convince him to help you a little while during the quest (get a free henchman, thus) - social: convince a creature to desert it's leader/ help with his downfall and take his place. - estimate/ persuade: acting as intermediary for a merchant who need supplies, need to get the best price - estimate : identify a gold rift (silver, metal, whatever...) - estimate: success opens a slightly different shop, because you search for good opportunities better.. - lore: book/ glyph showing a secret location - lore: understand a wierd mechanism to open a gate - lore: book/glyph telling of another way to pass the main monster in quest/ what he really wants (undead: rest; duergar: gold; creature: specific food...etc.)

Just throwing ideas out randomly !

Have fun !

This is a quest suggestion regarding a single quest and how it is balanced.

The quest to "Attack the Gnolls", seems like it has either a far too high level cap, or the monsters simply don't scale up well against a buffed group of level 5+ characters. Countless times I see this quest get steamrolled by characters that aren't even on the high end of the quest. Perhaps the higher end casters would use dispel?

It's funny I'm suggesting this because I hate NPC's that dispel sooo much, but they do make up for otherwise weaker monsters.

I specifically tried to leave out any spoilerish information on purpose.

I would like quests that show the relationships in the underdark between the various species. Like drow and Kua-Toa, the Kua-Toa have declared drow welcome in all there cites and the drow like wise. Neither raid the other, and neither enslave the other. I would like to see a kua-toa quest where you are paid to -save merchandise of the drow- or the drow themselves from raiding Duegar.

Or a hidden Slyth Hiring a person to investigate a Svif settlement because Slyths and Svifs are practically neck and neck in friendlynes otward each other. The reward is whatever is found in the settlement.

Or Duegar Hiring adventurers to Raid a drow caravan just because Duegar don't like drow.

"Current Events" type deliveries that start way out in the boonies. By necessity, these would be higher level then most deliveries.

For example - Find a Seeker Agent near the Traensyr South Gate who asks you to bring news back to Sanctuary of the recent goings on in Traensyr with the Slime Drow.

In much the same way as you guys sometimes update the stuff that the commoners go on about, you can update the news that people are bringing back, and use these guys to start off plots.

Anonymous "Current Events" type deliveries that start way out in the boonies. By necessity, these would be higher level then most deliveries.

For example - Find a Seeker Agent near the Traensyr South Gate who asks you to bring news back to Sanctuary of the recent goings on in Traensyr with the Slime Drow.

In much the same way as you guys sometimes update the stuff that the commoners go on about, you can update the news that people are bringing back, and use these guys to start off plots.

Sorry, this was me.

I would like to see a few quests that can only be done once by each PC that have nothing to with combat. The only things they involve is travel through the underdark(depending on class this could mean combat though), and use of dialogue options and social skills. Sort of like a chose your own adventure book!

Example: You find a traitor drow recently escaped from Traensyr, or near Traensyr. He says he'll pay you 1000 gold if you deliver a package to a friend in Sanctuary.

You deliver the package, and he says he needs to inspect it before he pays you. Depending on how you exchange at this point, by either 1) Intimidating him into paying you first 2) Persuade him and say the package might be a trap, and he should be careful 3) Bluff, tell him the price was actually 1500 4) Spellcraft, inform him you see a powerful enchantment on the package

Depending on your options, the recipient may be blown to bits by the fireball in the package before paying you, pay you for warning him of the deception, or pay you, and then blown to bits. If you succeed at this, it may open up an option to deliver a 'thank you' to his traitorous friend.

Just an example of what kind of one-shot quests like this could be done. I know it isn't high priority, but it's an idea!

I would like to suggest a nice, standard, dungeony quest, where the questers make their way through various rooms full of monsters. The only problem is that the monsters would all be dead already, their corpses strewn about in pieces on the floor/walls/ceiling. After reaching the end of the dungeon, all the doors would slam shut and lock, and the players would have to escape through a different route while be pursued by invincible baddies. Success on this quest would mean surviving the ghosts, traps, and dead-ends on their way out of the dungeon.

Is it just me finding Mary quest too easy ?

I think limiting lvl to 4 instead of 5 would be a start.

Any comments on that ?

Like most quests, it depends on who's in your party. I wouldn't do it as a warrior without the right consumables, but if you have them, it's fine.

Mary's can be an extreme death-match depending on party make-up, and if your "level 5" guy, has the gear of a fresh level 2, or if he's very well geared and equipped with consumables.

I've found it's best to leave most the low level quests alone. I've seen gnolls get bull dozed so bad it made me cringe, and other times we've been sent running back for the transition. So it really just depends.

Most of the fetch or solo-able low level quests are in upper. Maybe a coresponding few for lower, if only to help out your influx of goblin/ kobold PCs who can only sneak about in upper...and not everyone can sneak.

Also, for a city who neighbors a drow city help/ harm the drow quests seem few. I know they are dangerous, and I'd like to see any such quest be dangerous...but mad drow lewtz is just to sweet to pass up!

There are some.

That's part of the difficulty of kobolds/goblins. I don't want to see it getting any easier, as someone who has a kobold.

Part of that special race is being hunted, harder times. I don't think it should be easier for kobolds and goblins.

Id like to see some monster only quests. Especially maybe a few low lvl delivery quests. There are variouse reasons a person might trust a goblin/kobold for a job rater then a human.

1 They technacly arent citizeins so if the task they where doing was ilegall then the person having the job would hire him. (cause technacaly a kobold or goblin would have dificulty snitching.)

2 They want someone to ilegally deliver some ilegal goods to people throughout lower.

3 It might be a kobold or goblin who only trusts monsters cause he hates all non monsters.

That's a fair idea, at the moment lowbie PCs on the wrong side of the law don't have a lot of choice for Fed-Exs.

I would like to suggest a nice, standard, dungeony quest, where the questers make their way through various rooms full of monsters. The only problem is that the monsters would all be dead already, their corpses strewn about in pieces on the floor/walls/ceiling. After reaching the end of the dungeon, all the doors would slam shut and lock, and the players would have to escape through a different route while be pursued by invincible baddies. Success on this quest would mean surviving the ghosts, traps, and dead-ends on their way out of the dungeon.

Im unsure, but couldn't this be done simply by placing an encounter at the end of the quest (or a lot of encounters, more likely) and waypoints leading from their spawn point and up ahead to the second entrance/exit, meaning they would move that way regardless of whether they saw the PCs or not?

A quest where a bunch of criminals break out in some side-instanted area of Sanctuary, and have holed themselves up there. It's your job as bounty hunting commandos to kill them all. Randomly spawns one of the "bounties" in the Watch as the leader.

I would expect to see a lot of shanking, and one shot consumables like alchemist fire, and choking powder, and traps galore (especially traps you can't avoid because it's right in front of barricades with enemies over them).