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Bye bye Wren!

Yes it has come to be that Wren (AKA Jeguao) has growled his last growl. His fate to be revealed to people who are fortunate (or unfortunate) to stumble upon a similar fate. From Batting hordes of troglodytes to aiding in sanctuarys defence against rampaging orogs Wren was there. Afraid I did'nt take many of screenshots (as the case always is) But here is a few I did manage to take.

A few people to thank for making Wren a enjoyable character to play in no particular order:

Ladocicea, Metropack, Wiggyboy, Edgar decorona, Tristan Noye and Krane. (Yes it is a short list but if I've missed anyone out that think deserves some ackknowledgement just send me a message)

Some Awesome Wren loot:

More to come.

Cheers mate!

It was fun man I already miss him ;(