Yes it has come to be that Wren (AKA Jeguao) has growled his last growl. His fate to be revealed to people who are fortunate (or unfortunate) to stumble upon a similar fate. From Batting hordes of troglodytes to aiding in sanctuarys defence against rampaging orogs Wren was there. Afraid I did'nt take many of screenshots (as the case always is) But here is a few I did manage to take.
A few people to thank for making Wren a enjoyable character to play in no particular order:
Ladocicea, Metropack, Wiggyboy, Edgar decorona, Tristan Noye and Krane. (Yes it is a short list but if I've missed anyone out that think deserves some ackknowledgement just send me a message)
Some Awesome Wren loot:
More to come.